Linked Questions

811 votes
16 answers

Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange

This is an unofficial list/changelog of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is maintained by the community, while a Stack Exchange employee changes ...
53 votes
35 answers

New top bar is coming to the Stack Exchange network

Update: See: New top bar next steps and response to feedback I'm the new product manager for the DAG team. I’m excited to announce that the top bar design that has been on Stack Overflow ...
Joe Friend's user avatar
  • 16.5k
51 votes
3 answers

2017 TeamDAG project updates

Who is TeamDAG? What is the TeamDAG working on? Why are you working on that and not [insert favorite feature request here]. These are some of the questions that we hear regularly on and ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
36 votes
6 answers

Experiment: Review-needed indicator logic for sites that sometimes have empty queues

One of the more common bits of feedback when we changed the review queue indicator was that some sites would prefer to have an indication when there are any outstanding reviews available. So we are ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 79.8k
51 votes
4 answers

How does the review-needed indicator work exactly?

With the rollout of the new top bar, you’ve probably noticed the new review indicator: or It’s possible there will be a different review icon by the time you read this. But this post is just about ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 79.8k
43 votes
2 answers

What’s the redesigning campaign – in a nutshell?

On my favourite site, a new design was announced. It contained a lot of links to posts which in turn contain a lot of links, answers, timelines, and references to stuff like Teams which is not ...
42 votes
2 answers

Delay in approval leads to missing out on being awarded an "Explainer" badge

I am not sure if this is a bug or a design error, but I came across this issue on Robotics. I assume that the same code is employed across the various SE sites, so I am posting my question here. I ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

The icon positions are changed in the Top(bar) hat

I am aware that Monica Cellio suggested the Top(bar) Hat. When compared with the current actual top bar, the icon positions of achievements and review are interchanged. Even in Monica Cellio's ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
35 votes
1 answer

Please don't red alert me for queues I've handled

I have found the red alert has been helpful in prompting me to review queues. There should be red when there's red dots against review queues: image stolen from When I look at the review icon, I see ...
user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Odd red SE logo in new top bar

My question is related to New top bar is coming to the Stack Exchange network and also mentioned in the heading, Clickable Stack Exchange logo. The SE logo, which is now on the left-hand side, was ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar
36 votes
2 answers

What is the point of the Stack Exchange logo in the new top bar?

The new top bar has been deployed on Meta Stack Exchange. I have to admit, I'm not a fan. To give more specific feedback, I really don't like how the Stack Exchange logo to the very left of the top ...
user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Red indicator light falsely positive most of the time

Over at Arts & Crafts SE, the “Review Queue” notification light has been mostly false lately, correctly indicating there is a vote to be made only about 10% of the time. Others at Arts & ...
Laurent R.'s user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Multiple accounts question

Is it OK to use this account as my main stackexchange one, and one for worldbuilding ( I don't want it to get merged and I'm not going to use it to upvote on any ...
avenas8808's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Retain HELP link in top bar when user has access to review queues

I recently had occasion to refer to the Help Center for a stack on which I did not have review queue privileges. On such stacks, the Help icon is next to the hamburger, as shown: However, on a stack ...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
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44 votes
1 answer

Make the Stack Exchange logo in top bar more useful by having it open a menu

Currently, the Stack Exchange logo in the top bar (on all sites except Stack Overflow, which has its own unique top bar) is a simple link to I do not find it useful in any ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar

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