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Questions tagged [chat-flags]

For questions about chat flags, which can be used on the chat servers to report inappropriate messages and have high-rep users and moderators deal with them.

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12 votes
0 answers

Spam/offensive chat flag bubbles appearing upon opening chat, but there are no flags

These spam/offensive flag bubbles have been appearing upon opening chat a few times to me today, but there aren't any flags, even if I click immediately after I open the page. This has happened to me ...
Jacob's user avatar
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8 votes
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How should I handle a valid chat flag when a suspension isn't warranted?

I've already read through A guide to moderating chat, and this isn't covered there. For example, a user might post something slightly over the line that ought to go, but has now returned to productive ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Don't notify all moderators for flags on "move comments to chat" chatroom

Sometimes when there are too many comments under a question or answer, the moderator will move all comments to chat, which means creating a chatroom and moving all comments to that chatroom. If ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can you appeal accidental chat suspensions?

I recently was accidentally suspended in the Winter Bash chat (about two weeks ago). The reason for the suspension was that another user flagged my comment (I requested deletion as it had a spoiler ...
Redz's user avatar
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Keep the "flag for moderator" window opened when the user clicks on OK with an empty input text field and/or have some error/warning message

Since clicking on OK in the “flag for moderator” window with an empty input text field doesn't raise any flag, it'd be more user-friendly to keep the "flag for moderator" window opened after the user ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Does clicking on OK in the "flag for moderator" window with an empty input text field raise any flag?

Does clicking on OK in the "flag for moderator" window with an empty input text field raise any flag?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
15 votes
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Why did Feeds delete my chat message?

I posted a message in Charcoal HQ today (to add a new website to SmokeDetector's watchlist) and while it was acknowledged by the bot, it was promptly deleted. The message history says it was deleted ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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9 votes
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Let me skip flags I'm unsure about in chat

I clicked on "not sure" on a chat flag because it was in Russian, which I don't speak, then tried to see the next (it indicated that there were 5), but it just showed a "show all" box. When I clicked ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I check if a chat flag has been reviewed?

How do I check if a flag I’ve done in chat has been reviewed? If I wasn’t busy at the time I flagged, I would have hung around and see if extra users came into the chat, but I was busy.
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
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26 votes
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Clarifications for suspensions in chat

Just now, I was suspended from MSE chat. I was told not to bring up certain topics and was silenced for 30 seconds, so I accepted this and refrained from discussing the topic. Shortly after that as ...
forest distrusts StackExchange's user avatar
10 votes
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Flagging a message by a moderator resulted in a suspension from another moderator [closed]

What can a person do if they flagged a chat message posted by a moderator that is spam, inappropriate, and/or offensive, and then another moderator suspends that person that flagged the original ...
Jenna Sloan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can messages in a chat transcript be flagged? [duplicate]

For messages in chat, clicking on the drop-down icon will allow rude or abusive messages to be flagged. I've noticed that messages in a transcript can no longer be flagged. I seem to recall that it ...
forest distrusts StackExchange's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What is the correct chat flag to flag "unfriendly" messages?

During the new update to comment flags, a new option "It's unfriendly or unkind" was added. This is different from the "It contains harassment, bigotry, or abuse." comment flag. As ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
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If clicking "show all" doesn't remove my uncertainty then it shouldn't remove my ability to declare my uncertainty

Users with 10,000 reputation are shown chat flags from across the network. The flag first appears as a blue number in the bottom corner of the chatroom. Wen you click on the number you are presented ...
Alex's user avatar
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How should we deal with flags for chat messages for rooms that are in a different language? [duplicate]

I've posted an answer touching on this before at Let me opt out of viewing chat flags: Here's the problem: I am mostly in The Bridge, the gaming chat. I see chat flags from the Russian, Chinese, ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Should "is this offensive?" chat flags about non-English messages be sent to language-speakers somehow?

I don't speak Russian, and probably many users don't. Should there be some way to send flagged messages in chat that need to be reviewed and aren't in English preferentially to users who are more ...
uhoh's user avatar
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There are no chat flags to display but the number is shown

When a message is flagged as spam/offensive, network wide 10k users are shown a number of pending chat flags. As shown in the above image, it is shown that there are 15 messages waiting for review. ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
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37 votes
3 answers

How could I have handled this better in chat (flag apparently led to suspension)? [closed]

I was recently suspended in chat here on Meta.SE. I would like to know how I could have handled this situation better and how I could have avoided a suspension. Link to transcript: https://chat.meta....
Robert Columbia's user avatar
0 votes
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"Trustworthiness rating" of chat flags in review bubble in form of prior flag acceptance stats

Disallowing users to flag chat messages might not be the best idea if someone is found frequently making bad flags. We usually give people second chances and hope they'll learn and improve. But to ...
user1306322's user avatar
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Proposed change to how chat room flags are seen by users who can take care of them

So you know how currently a flag is immediately seen by the entire 10k+ rep users community and all the mods in every room. That's not right. What I'm proposing: When a flag is raised, at first only ...
user1306322's user avatar
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8 votes
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Should users see a notification about their flagged and deleted chat messages?

Imagine a situation (which is currently happening) where some user's old inappropriate chat messages were deleted. That user is either out of chat, offline or otherwise not in chat to obviously notice ...
user1306322's user avatar
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Make flagged chat messages deletable regardless of edit window

I just got a 30 minute ban from chat because one of my messages was flagged. I'm not here to argue about this - it happened, it won't un-happen and debating the rights or wrongs of it won't achieve ...
David X. Random's user avatar
46 votes
1 answer

Add list of recent chat flags to /admin

Chat has a list of moderator links on /admin. Unfortunately, this page doesn't have a link to /admin/recent-flags, the list of recent chat flags. Every time I want to find this list, I always have to ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Chat flag handling options are ambiguous

Recently, I saw a chat flag message pop up. The dialog looks like this: It presents 3 options to handle the flag: valid, invalid, not sure. These options are ambiguous. Does "valid" mean "this flag ...
Justin's user avatar
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The ability to flag a malicious chat flag

Sometimes flags are applied to chat messages as a joke. This is a problem because every 10k rep user on the network then sees the flagged message and wastes time reading it until someone declines it. ...
trichoplax is on Codidact now's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What does the "Not Sure" chat flag response do?

Pretty straightforward here... When a chat flag appears for 10k+ users, we are given three options. Valid Invalid Not Sure After reading this post, I am... not sure... what the third option does. ...
Skooba's user avatar
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Ghost Flags in Chat [duplicate]

Whenever a chat room is entered or reloaded, a flag is present next to my avatar. When clicked, the "There are no flags to display." message comes up and the flag vanishes. This has been ...
muddyfish's user avatar
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Chat flag notification, but no flag

It appears this bug is back. Upon refreshing any chat page (even when dumping the cache and hard reloading), a chat flag notification is displayed, but there is no chat flag.
user avatar
-3 votes
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Can I flag a chat message as redundant?

I've come across a chat message which, while not offensive in any way, is redundant, as there's a more complete chat message below it. Is it possible to flag it without summoning a SWAT team and ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
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Tooltip for flagging chat messages is wrong

When trying to flag a message in a chatroom's starboard, the tooltip whilst hovering over the flag button is click to star.
muddyfish's user avatar
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Topic: Chat flags. Suggestion: Require a reason be entered, which is shown

What if we required a reason be entered for chat flags, which was then shown to validators and, if successful, the flagged person? On one hand, the cynics among us will say that the reasons will ...
Plumbing for Ankit's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I check the status of a moderator chat flag? [duplicate]

I just raised a custom mod flag on a chat message and was wondering if there was a way to see that status of this flag, or if it was marked as helpful or declined.
JAL's user avatar
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Who is able to see who raised a chat flag?

I am just curious whether flags in chat rooms are anonymous or who is able to see which user raised them. I can personally see chat flags in the SE chat rooms due to >10k SE network reputation, but ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
4 votes
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Flagging a chatroom message as a means of getting a moderator to move the chat?

I somehow created a chatroom on totally the wrong site. I read another meta post that said the best thing to do is flag one of the messages in the chat for moderator attention, so a moderator can move ...
SaganRitual's user avatar
22 votes
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Have better distinction between flags and stars

I was on chat and I hovered over a message (which got flagged) and I saw this: Whaaaat??? It has four stars? It took me a bit to realize that this meant 4 flags, not 4 stars. Having the flag right ...
Downgoat's user avatar
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How do I respond to chatroom flags for a site in non English language?

I was faced today with a bunch of flags from Stack Overflow на русском. I don't speak or read Russian. So... am I supposed to dig up Google Translate to evaluate the flag? Or wait for some users who ...
Almo's user avatar
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"Counterflagging" Catch-22

I just got a notification in chat regarding a message tagged as offensive somewhere. I have not noticed this before, I don't know if it is new. It was not offensive, so I clicked "no". I ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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Include mods-in-room/room owner information in chat flags

There's been a lot of recent discussion about chat. One thing that came up is the "blue flood"/"mod invasion", which is the tendency to have a rush of moderators show up in a chat room following a ...
Kit Z. Fox's user avatar
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Can we get a flag history for chat's moderator attention flags?

I checked my chat profile to see whether I can find something similar to the main-site flag-history for chat-flags, but didn't find anything. I recently had the (dis)pleasure of regularly having to ...
Vogel612's Shadow's user avatar
51 votes
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Show non-English chat flags to users of non-English sites only

We now have various sites in other languages. That's great, and I am quite pleased to see this diversification. However, that raises some problems with chat flags. Since the chat network is site-wide, ...
terdon's user avatar
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Is it possible to flag a chat message "for moderator attention" (w/ explanation box) from transcript?

When you click the flag button on a message in the chat window, it reads "flag for moderator", and a dialog with an explanation field pops up. When you click the flag button on a message in the ...
Jason C's user avatar
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After handling a chat flag, tooltip claims I flagged the message

This is the tooltip I see for a chat message with a flag that I handled: I never flagged it myself, and chose "not sure" as handle action. Can the tooltip please be fixed?
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
-24 votes
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Don't let moderators be chatroom owners

I would like to suggest the following, network wide, change in policy concerning the ownership of chatrooms: No moderator should be a chatroom owner. This, I believe, would be a more efficient use ...
think_meaning_buildß's user avatar
7 votes
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I can see chat flags without 10k

On Stack Overflow, I don't have 10k, but I can see chat flags (on chat.SO). Not when I'm just in the room, but when I go to a message's history, I can see a blue square next to it if it's flagged. (...
ProgramFOX's user avatar
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Allow me to flag messages from mobile chat

I like using my mobile to chat, even though I can't use some cool features in the mobile version. But please add a button and allow me to flag chat messages, when there is an urgent need. A few hours ...
Infinite Recursion's user avatar
29 votes
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Disallow flagging chat messages from the transcript as offensive

Chat is an instant medium. What's past the first two screenfuls is water under the bridge, off to the transcript to collect dust and very very little google juice. Chat flags are supposed to be an ...
badp's user avatar
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Flag history feature for mods on the chat network

It can be useful for moderators to be able to see the flags history. And what I mean by flag history is two things: Flagging history of single users Flagging history of single chatrooms Flagging ...
مجاهد's user avatar
53 votes
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Sensitive flagger data is exposed via chat WebSockets (and possibly /events), allowing "private" flags to be publicly visible

So, after I figured out that I could see who starred a message (highly related), I figured I might be able to find out the flagger of a message too. So I tried. Here's some data from my logs: hichris ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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3 answers

Could we require a user to be present in the channel a chat flag originated from before being able to validate it?

This isn't about a specific instance that has happened today but more a general idea relating to the way that handling chat flags works. There are instances in chat where somebody will say ...
Flyk's user avatar
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Flags in chat are defective by design

Yes, I know the topic has been discussed before. I know that Meta already has threads that complain about how flagging doesn't work. I wanted to give a practical example. Today, a user came in to the ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar