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Did the "close as dup" auto-comment change?

I was looking at RSpec: how to test if a method was called? and s both a close-as-dup vote and a comment pointing to another question. However, instead of the usual comment format, it had "Check here: ...
Peter Alfvin's user avatar
  • 4,521
2 votes
1 answer

How should I vote to close this question

I'm a bit confused since the change of close vote reasons. How should I vote to close the following question, now that "Questions asking for code must demonstrate some minimum knowledge and an attempt"...
CodingIntrigue's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Do questions still need to show code in the question? (if it's relevant)

This is a little extension of the question here Are code questions without an attempt now on topic. I've only just noticed the new close reasons and the removal of the describe the specific ...
user avatar
-13 votes
3 answers

Is there a council of the elders? [duplicate]

When a question is put "on hold", I verified three or four times (when my answer was ready), most of the "close" voters seem to be rather older programmers. It's not that I'm interested, but I can see ...
Liviu's user avatar
  • 142
8 votes
2 answers

Reviewing question close request

I've only recently earned the "vote to close" privilege. I am faced with the decision of whether to close a question as a duplicate. I see that the answer to the original question exactly applies to ...
PermanentGuest's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I earn the "Passed Judgement" and "Reanimated" hats?

The description for the "Passed Judgement" hat says: participate in closing or deleting a question (the description for "Reanimated" is similar) Is that only for close votes, or does it include ...
The Guy with The Hat's user avatar
4 votes
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Revenge voting and close votes

Obviously I've made someone mad. I'm not too concerned about that; however, it did bring up a question in my mind. When someone mass down votes a person I know that there are systems in place to ...
ChrisLively's user avatar
  • 1,041
4 votes
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Over a dozen close recommendations are needed? [duplicate]

This review seems to need at least a dozen close recommendations:
Joseph Quinsey's user avatar
5 votes
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Close vote tests on StackOverflow [duplicate]

I've been seeing a few failed tests when I vote to close questions on SO. Apparently others thought the questions were valid enough, but they lacked (for instance) code, or were not code-related. One ...
SchmitzIT's user avatar
  • 425
1 vote
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How does a user with less than 3k reputation see the closes votes count?

There was a question where the OP had 1307 rep point and knew the close votes count on the question but I thought users do not see that until they're 3k+. How did he know the close count?
user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

View older questions in the close votes queue?

Is it possible to show questions from year 2009, for example? Most of the questions I see in the close queue are new. It make sense to close the newest questions that are wrong. But sometimes it's ...
MikroDel's user avatar
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187 votes
24 answers

Close Votes review: I'm going on a strike! [closed]

I know this question is going to make me unpopular here – but I feel I have no other options. I have been concerned by the size of the close votes review queue for quite a while. When I ...
Shai's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I get the correct close vote count in Data Explorer?

Main question: (was previously secondary question) How would I get the correct number of close votes currently on a question in Data Explorer (subject to DE caching of course)? I now believe the below ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
16 votes
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How many posts in SO CV queue aren't eligible for vote expiration, ie have no votes, only flags?

Is there a way to estimate amount of posts in queue that aren't eligible for vote expiration, that is have only flags? I'd like to understand how many posts are guaranteed to eventually leave the ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.3k
6 votes
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Do flags to close expire like votes to close? [duplicate]

Votes to close are known to expire, for the reasons explained eg in answers to this question: Why do close votes expire? Does something like this happen to flags to close cast by users lacking CV ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.3k
20 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to see the reviews of a particular question?

I voted to close a question I thought was too localized, and four days later I see that my close vote has apparently been aged away. The question only has <100 views right now, so based on what ...
blahdiblah's user avatar
  • 16.3k
5 votes
1 answer

How many close votes do I actually have each day? [duplicate]

The close votes count has been bothering me for a while now. I want to make sure I fully understand how the system works and maybe update the FAQ so it's less confusing for people. The SO Help-centre ...
user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Post I voted down and close is shown to me as known good audit?

Post that has been presented as a "known good" audit item is one I voted down and close about two weeks ago (close vote expired). Is the algorithm to pick such items designed to allow posts having ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.3k
4 votes
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Retracting a close vote in the first post review queue counts as Reviewed action

I came across this question in the first post review queue. I have read it and decided to close it but then I went and retracted my vote as I clicked the wrong close reason. Then, I realized that No ...
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to see the correctness of close/reopen votes?

How can I see the ratio of my previous close/reopen votes that were correct (i.e. resulted in the question being closed/reopened) or incorrect (i.e. resulted in the question left open/closed)? I am ...
user000001's user avatar
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8 votes
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What specifically can an OP see after close votes have been cast but before an item is put on hold?

Update: Thanks to comment from @Servy, received link to this help page from the Privileges section which answers the question except for question of detail (e.g. off-topic sub-reasons) and, if detail ...
Peter Alfvin's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Multiple Close Vote Reasons Redux

I voted to close this question: how to do the following effect in jquery or css etc It was closed as off-topic, with the following reasons: "Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal ...
chue x's user avatar
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3 votes
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close vote reviews: are duplicates randomly selected or did people propose them? [duplicate]

In some close vote reviews (e.g. there are proposed duplicates. However, in the close view, there appear to be zero votes for duplicate. Are ...
SheetJS's user avatar
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8 votes
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Deleting and undeleting the target of a self-duplicate resets close votes? [duplicate]

I found a question which was a direct duplicate of another one by the same author. So I cleaned up the original and voted to close the duplicate. Unfortunately, he then proceeded to delete the ...
Bart's user avatar
  • 60.6k
12 votes
2 answers

How do I change a close vote to a duplicate?

Voted to close a question based on "lack of minimal understanding". Later realized the question was a duplicate. How to I change vote to mark as duplicate instead?
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26.1k
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Meaning of "votes remaining" in close vote dialog

When I vote to close a question, the pop up window shows 39 votes remaining. Does this mean I have 39 vote remaining for today?
Ruchi's user avatar
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4 votes
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What are the consequences of skipping a close vote review task?

Does it mean that the question will be removed from my queue? Forever? :-) Can I vote to close it later?
user avatar
39 votes
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STOP! Look and Listen [duplicate]

Whenever I review Close Votes, I sometimes stumble upon something that I don't think should be closed, but just to make sure I haven't missed something, I press the "Close" button to see how many ...
kba's user avatar
  • 381
5 votes
1 answer

Close reason is selected randomly

I just closed this question on CodeGolf. There were 2 reasons each had 2 votes on it. I chose the 2nd one (don't remember what it was because I decided not to use the "objective winning criteria ...
Johannes Kuhn's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the proper close reason for developer center (Store) based questions

First thing, I read this thread to confirm my belief that developer-centric questions are off topic. I saw this question which is not a specific programming question, and as per my understanding, ...
Krishnabhadra's user avatar
2 votes
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No Suitable Reason to Recommend Close [duplicate]

In reviewing low quality posts, I cannot see a suitable option to close this. It was closed as: The available options are as follows.
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

other SE boards selection list when moving questions [duplicate]

I wanted to close "" and suggest move to but the other sites choices did not contain the ...
wilx's user avatar
  • 477
1 vote
2 answers

Why was I able to vote to close my own question (having 909 reputation only)? [duplicate]

I was able to succesfully vote to close my own question, when I had just 909 rep. I believed I need 3000 to cast close votes? Is this some kind of a feature or was it a bug?
Mołot's user avatar
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How to close "debug my program" or "give me the code" questions with new close types?

Before, I would close "debug my program" or "give me the code" questions as too localized. How are they closed with new close types? I have seen this and similar questions, but they are for old ...
BЈовић's user avatar
  • 6,516
6 votes
1 answer

Close Vote Reason Logic When There Isn't a Majority [duplicate]

I voted to close this question. It has actually been closed with this reason: "Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Tell us what you've tried to do, why ...
chue x's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can I ask question from specific users about the reason for closing a question?

I asked this question on the website. It was closed as being off-topic. The off-topic message says If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit your question or ...
Aseem Bansal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

New close reasons missing a few [duplicate]

I know that there has been much discussion about the new close reasons, and I agree with them fully.. But now there is a problem with certain questions... I will give an example: https://...
Inbar Rose's user avatar
  • 2,187
13 votes
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I'm out of close votes. Can I use moderator flags instead?

I'm out of close votes again today. But I still have 100 flags. How do the mods feel about me flagging questions for closure, even though I would be able to VtC myself, if I weren't already out of ...
KatieK's user avatar
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11 votes
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Voting to close as Off Topic and Belongs on Another SE Site Now Requires A Choice?

Sorry to add to what will surely be a stream of questions about the "on hold" stuff, but... Previously, when I voted to put a question on hold as Off Topic, it presented me a list of other SE sites, ...
joran's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Did the new Close Vote reasons just wipe out existing close votes?

I had been watching a question that had a few close votes on it, and when I refreshed the page, the close votes were gone. Then I went to the review tab, and found this: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah? I ...
LittleBobbyTables - Au Revoir's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

MSO votes activity tab doesn't show closure and reopen votes sub-tabs

MSO votes activity tab in my profile doesn't show closure and reopen votes sub-tabs. Is that OK? For comparison, votes tab in my SO profile shows mentioned sub-tabs. Comparison screen shot is below.
gnat's user avatar
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0 votes
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Can't vote to close on a specific question

I tried to vote to close this question. I got this close page : As you can see, I can't choose a close reason, or do anything except clicking the x. I tried to cast a close vote on another question, ...
Eran's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve number of close votes before year 2011

The Stack Overflow schema says that VoteTypeId field in the Votes table corresponds to the type of vote received andVoteTypeId = 6 indicates a close vote. I am trying to find the number of close votes ...
Dexter's user avatar
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Delete own question with answers: flagging and close votes

I asked a question on SO (R independent columns in matrix) several months ago and I don't think it is a good question. It is less about programming and more the understanding of the mathematics of the ...
user1981275's user avatar
1 vote
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Can you see history of off topic close votes?

I'm not sure if there are still problems with off topic votes, but I'm pretty sure I cast an off-topic vote with suggestion to migrate to superuser, and yet the question just got closed as off topic. ...
Roger Rowland's user avatar
2 votes
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What does (deleted) mean in the voting activity page? [duplicate]

I was taking a look at some of my recent voting activity to check on some developments on a post I voted on. Doing so, I noticed that a couple of questions had a (deleted) indicator below the vote ...
Jeff Mercado's user avatar
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What should I do if a question was closed as unconstructive, when it actually is constructive but also a duplicate? [duplicate]

There was another meta discussion about this question recently. The question had been closed as unconstructive, but it looked okay to me, so I cast a reopen vote. But then I thought, "this is a ...
Ben Lee's user avatar
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3 votes
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Close Review Queue Questions

What questions do I get presented with in the close review queue? I've been going through the queue lately and it seems like to start with I see random questions, then after a while they are targeted ...
George Duckett's user avatar
9 votes
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Voting mutually duplicates

Today I saw this question in the close vote review queue, which was flagged as exact duplicate of another question. Paradoxically, the possible duplicate was closed because it was a duplicate of the ...
A. Rodas's user avatar
  • 581
0 votes
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Which option to choose when voting to close a question that is covered in tag info?

Sorry if this is a duplicated question (at least I haven't found it yet). I found a question which answer is well covered in the tag info example (it includes a good explanation as well). I just ...
Luiggi Mendoza's user avatar

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