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user65560's user avatar
user65560's user avatar
user65560's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
190 votes

We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows

19 votes

Add badges to Markdown?

15 votes

Footer area suggestions?

15 votes

New top bar is coming to the Stack Exchange network

12 votes

Support showing image in original size in overlay

11 votes

Let me preview an edit so that it appears with the same style as revisions

10 votes

Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.)

8 votes

MathJax rendering for suggested edit queue

8 votes

LaTeX on Stack Overflow?

6 votes

I have a mysterious bytecode (executable?) file whose extension is nowhere on the internet. Which SE site should I ask about this in?

6 votes

Is there a MarkDown shortcut for the Help Center like there was [faq] for the FAQ?

4 votes

Closed as not constructive but Protected... conundrum?

3 votes

In close review, can we tell what was added after the flag or vote?

2 votes

Tags: Koala vs Koala-gem

2 votes

What is the best way to increase my reputation and privileges?

2 votes

View question's "history" as animated playback

0 votes

Show when members are answering questions before deletion

0 votes

The text size in the Stack Exchange app should be user-configurable