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Amal Murali's user avatar
Amal Murali's user avatar
Amal Murali's user avatar
Amal Murali
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
71 votes

Make voting activity on your posts available on site metas (what you would get from rep if metas had rep)

16 votes

Why does Stack Exchange use Markdown for the formatting of posts?

14 votes

Can a user gain more than 2 rep for editing?

13 votes

New "Timeless" badge for questions that continue to be useful

12 votes

Take the diamond away from Community ♦

11 votes

Cannot ask question on Stack Overflow - "Your post contains improperly formatted code"

11 votes

What can be done to prevent people down-voting VALID questions AND answers?

9 votes

What criteria should I fulfill actually for UpDo hat?

7 votes

Account Recovery Email Spamming

7 votes

Commenting protocol

7 votes

Badge idea for voting

6 votes

Getting notified when we are downvoted

6 votes

Is this off-topic question really off-topic?

5 votes

Should I be required to award a bounty if there has been no activity since I offered it?

5 votes

Does a user become a Meta moderator by default the moment when he or she becomes a mod for SO?

5 votes

How can we put our reputation score as image in about me

5 votes

Why did I lose 5 reputation after a "user was removed"?

5 votes

Who should receive the question bounty?

5 votes

My Reputation tab is showing +50 total reputation for an answer which gained 5 upvotes but has since been deleted

4 votes

Closing a question because there is no question asked, or OP commented 'no longer matters'

4 votes

Rollback reason message

3 votes

How can I insert a link containing parentheses?

3 votes

Add a search option within our own profile

3 votes

Should the bold text in this post be changed to normal?

3 votes

Closing a question as duplicate when there are no answers

3 votes

Missing association bonus?

3 votes

I have enough reputation but can't get to the chat room?

3 votes

Why was base 32 question downvoted?

3 votes

Weird Behavior when Down-voting an answer

2 votes

Inconsistent comment word count when the @ mention is being automatically stripped away