TL;DR: Please do not hide Meta Stack Exchange posts on the homepage based on the score because this site works differently than the other ~180 sites listed in
I just noticed a particular MSE post today on a topic I care about that was posted almost a week ago, which I entirely missed before. I'm a pretty avid MSE user, and this happens quite rarely to me.
This particular post was created by an SE employee, and is essentially the final answer to this meta post, which is the 10th most upvoted MSE post with a bit more than 900 upvotes right now. So it's kind of an important post, and on a topic I care about, but I still missed it entirely until it was linked in a comment somewhere else.
The reason I missed it is because it's heavily downvoted. This means that as it has below -8 score, it's hidden from the home page entirely, drastically reducing the visibility of the post. In particular, the negative score removes all visibility a question usually receives from being bumped due to edits, new answers and bounties.
Many of the recent heavily-downvoted Meta posts by SE have been featured manually, which grants them a lot of visibility beyond the particular meta site. This masked the problem pretty efficiently, but it is more of a workaround, and one that isn't applicable to all situations.
Voting means something different on meta sites, and not every downvoted question should be hidden from view. Closed downvoted questions can certainly still be affected by the usual rules on the home page, and that should cover the vast majority of questions that actually have a purpose being on the home page. But open questions should be displayed on the home page on meta sites even if they're heavily downvoted.