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11 votes
1 answer

What information about followed posts can moderators access?

When the "follow posts" feature was introduced, an SE staff member commented that "Post follows are private." Similarly, the "save posts" feature announcement stated that ...
galacticninja's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can one export an animated GIF for SE posting?

Following this decision to limit animated GIF sizes I don't agree with, I've been having a hard time knowing how to ask questions that require visual documentation on SE sites like Graphic Design, ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
0 votes
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Have the inbox improvements of a couple of years ago been rolled back?

A few minutes ago I opened my inbox -- I do not remember for certain which page I was on, but it was probably a chat page -- and managed inadvertently to mark all of the unread entries as read, as if ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 169
10 votes
1 answer

A SEDE query that worked for years is now timing out for the last ten attempts [duplicate]

The SEDE query All my posts on the SE network (with Markdown and HTML content plus editors and status) has been working for years, however over the last week, and the last ten attempts, this error ...
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is Stack Exchange interfering with Firefox browser fonts? [closed]

Recently I have noticed Google search results in Firefox to have a different font, from both and (I use both). I've made two attempts to override the font. One is by installing ...
Weather Vane's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to get bounty back if a question is closed?

I started a bounty over on Stack Overflow that regarded Docker Compose and networking, and then the question got closed. Someone with the right authority regarded it was a networking question and not ...
IamYourFaja's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

How I can recover my account [closed]

Several days when I become trying to get an acces to my accont. How I can recover my account:
Safwane's user avatar
  • 101
4 votes
1 answer

How do I associate a saved Data Explorer query with a single site?

I have some saved-queries in data.stackexchange that shows me my top-voted comments using WHERE c.UserId = @myUserId far, so egotistical. ...but because my UserId is different on each site (e.g. ...
Dai's user avatar
  • 261
22 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow's Cloudflare Usage FAQ

How does Stack Overflow leverage Cloudflare? Stack Overflow uses CDNs and their various tools to better serve the site's content. The current primary CDN provider is Cloudflare. While this isn't a ...
16 votes
1 answer

What caused the outage on October 3, and why was Stack Overflow unaffected?

At approximately 1500 UTC, all Stack Exchange Network sites and the Stack Exchange API were under outage. Curiously, Stack Overflow was not affected by this outage, but Meta Stack Overflow was. They ...
user1176409's user avatar
-22 votes
1 answer

Why do mods on Stack Overflow want to keep people from contributing to Stack Overflow? [closed]

All Stack Exchange sites, including the Meta Stack Exchange allow you to post questions with answers. The checkbox to "Answer your own question - share your knowledge, Q&A-style". The ...
user avatar
0 votes
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What does the superscript asterisk mean after the reopen count? [duplicate]

I see a superscript asterisk after this reopen count on Can one use one's Starlink dish in a commercial plane?: What does the superscript asterisk mean after the reopen count?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What's the intent of the dimming/undimming feature on DV'd answers?

Answers with negative net votes are shown in a dimmed font color, but when you hover the mouse over one it returns to normal color (on computer, haven't tried phone). What is the intent of both of ...
jay613's user avatar
  • 733
13 votes
1 answer

Synonyms seem to behave differently when searching for them

Usually, if tag [a] is a synonym of [b] then searching for [a] will only return a search for [b]. Because, for all intents and purposes, they are the same tag and the synonym direction determines one ...
VLAZ's user avatar
  • 16.2k
36 votes
1 answer

Was the new AI search feature "test" officially announced?

In the last few hours many users have noticed the new AI powered search feature that has been added to the site. I'll leave bugs reports and general commentary on how ineffective this is to other ...
ꓢPArcheon's user avatar
  • 34.8k
22 votes
1 answer

How to opt out of AI search? [duplicate]

I noticed that any search has a new feature now, of automated GenAI response, e.g. when searching for how to opt out of AI search? I got this: How to get rid or opt out of the part in red circle, i.e....
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

How much it takes to an account to be deleted using "data request"?

I already asked deletion a month ago and my account is still alive.
user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Did you receive the newsletter for this week (September 27) on Meta Stack Exchange?

I usually receive the newsletter for Meta Stack Exchange on every Friday, at 3am (Malaysia time). But this week, I still haven’t received the newsletter for Meta Stack Exchange for Sep 27 (yesterday). ...
user1176409's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Using the filters “fromdate” and “todate” on the /badges API endpoint has no effect

It looks like the fromdate and todate filters have no effect on the /badges endpoint: Example without these filters:
A.L's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can't post a question neither to Game Development nor to Game Development Meta

I created title, body and filled tags. It says "Draft saved", but when I click "Review your question" button, nothing happens. I reopened browser, put the question from scratch, ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
3 votes
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Why do some sites (sometimes) have a lower amount of questions on the homepage?

Inspired by Are there actually hidden questions?, I decided to have a look at the different sites to see how many questions there actually are on the homepage. For most of the question lists pages ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Are there actually hidden questions?

The text 'Hiding questions because of your Ignored tags preferences for tags:' appears at the bottom of the 'front page' I read this as 'a filter is active', but I'm ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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11 votes
0 answers

Mostly unable to see images on Stack Exchange sites

A few months ago I largely lost the ability to see images on Stack Exchange sites, but only on my office computer (and all coworkers have the same issue, so it's not my computer, but maybe our office ...
Andreas Rejbrand's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I ensure line breaks inside block quotes are rendered as entered in the markup?

At least in the editor preview, this doesn't render linebreaks: > foo > bar > baz foo bar baz Screenshot: Is this a problem of my browser? Or something else? On StackEdit it works as ...
fweth's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there a US immigration related Stack Exchange site?

I found a question about whether there is a Stack Exchange site suitable for US immigration related questions, and the answers indicated no, there isn't. But that was 11 years ago. Any updates?
Gerard Ashton's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a way to align images to the top in a table?

I don't know if this question was answered before. Is there a way to align images to the top in a table: Picture one Picture two
Danielillo's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Gold tag badge didn't allow single-vote duplicate question closure [duplicate]

As a gold badge holder for [the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim] tag on Arqade, I encountered an unexpected issue while reviewing a question in the Close Votes review queue. Despite the gold tag badge ...
galacticninja's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow appears in "read-only mode", but only on a specific machine in specific browser [duplicate]

For the last 12+ hours, displays this notice for me: The linked status page doesn't show any current outages. This happens only in one browser (Firefox 130.0.1, on Arch ...
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
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-23 votes
4 answers

Futility of keeping the rules around the question ban secret

The community wiki What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"? says: To avoid bypassing the filter, its internal rules are a secret, but it ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Are questions migrated to other sites included when calculating a question ban?

If a user gets question banned after asking a new question but that question then gets migrated to another site, is the question still taken into account when calculating whether the user has a ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a SE site for collectable cards like basketball or football?

I saw a question about comic books and I thought cards would be a good question to ask. Being a Magic card collector I would like to know what everyone thought.
Ruben Almeida's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Why community bot is a moderator on the Area 51, but a bot in Area 51 discussion zone and other sites?

Per the tag wiki of area-51 and this official staff post, questions about Area 51 are explicitly on-topic here and should not be closed as "only applicable to one specific site". Simple ...
user1176409's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How can I get a list of all of my profiles?

Changing my profile's location and clicking "Save and copy changes to all public communities" does not copy my location to all public communities. It only updates the current community. ...
Captain Man's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

I seem to be in the cloudflare penalty box, is there anything I can do to get out?

For about the last week or so, when I visit a page on SO, and have not visited a page in the last minute or so, I get a note that cloudflare is verifying that I am a human. Sometimes there is a ...
Robert Crovella's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Should the “Get more details” links for the “I lost my password” option on the contact form link to help center rather than password recovery page?

In the contact form, we have an ‘I lost my password’ option in the “Account Issue” option. If we click the lost password option, a pop-up will be shown: If we click the “Get more details” option, it ...
user1176409's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Why are we allowed to create a custom filter including a non-existent tag?

After reading this question, I noticed that it is not possible to create a tag while editing the Watched Tags box or the Ignored Tags box, for example: which clearly shows that the not-a-tag tag does ...
PeterJames's user avatar
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50 votes
0 answers

(Completed) Site maintenance - Mon, Sept 16 2024, 21:00 UTC to Tue, Sept 17 2024, 2:00 UTC (Mon, Sept 16 2024, 5pm-10pm ET)

[UPDATE - Maintenance has been completed] We have planned network maintenance that will impact Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange users. The window is scheduled for Monday, September 16 2024, 21:00 UTC ...
Dalmarus's user avatar
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2 votes
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Bug with Clicking: Typing, Clicking, and Selecting Glitching and Jumping

Is anyone else having a difficult time clicking on buttons (for example, to view questions that I posted, my profile, other people's questions) and typing? I've restarted everything and it seems like ...
Alyssa's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

Specific feed is being automatically removed when added to a specific chatroom

In Code Golf's main chatroom, The Nineteenth Byte, we used to have a feed posting new challenges from our sister site Code Golf Codidact, specifically the RSS feed
emanresu A's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What site to ask about the world's mountains?

Is there a site to ask about mountains? More specifically about mountains of certain world locations
user avatar
2 votes
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Why are the top bar widgets links?

I noticed that the top bar widgets next to your profile, including your inbox, achievements, review, help, and communities, are actually links to the respective pages I have linked, in addition to ...
CPlus's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why is there an "Access level changed: Access now read-write" in my chat reply log?

I see on Access level changed: Access now read-write Why ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Where to find space to share ideas and get feeddback [duplicate]

I study mathematics as an enthusiast, mainly of discrete math and computational geometry. First of all I would like to thank SE, especially Mathematica and Mathematics sites for helping me with ...
lesobrod's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What will happen if a user who initially have the bounty privilege but lost it during the duration of the bounty? [duplicate]

There's nothing in particular about this, just that I'm curious. Let's suppose a scenario: A user gains reputation, and got the "offer a bounty" privilege (awarded upon reaching 75 rep ...
Luke L's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Does SO use and domains for study related emails?

I got an email inviting me to a study as it appears I set the settings for it. However I am skeptical to its realness as: All links do not point to a SO/SE site, but instead to a cryptic link for a ...
A-Tech's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to link my stackexchange account to askubuntu? [closed]

My general stack exchange account is directly linked to SE, I'm not logging in via google or facebook or any of those. The associated email account is hosted on my personal domain. I wanted to ask a ...
quarague's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is the proper Q&A community for this particular topic: allergies and robot vacuum cleaners

I want to find the proper community to ask about a technical specification detail regarding robot vacuum cleaners, important for allergic people: are their filters as good as the HEPA filters of ...
Andres's user avatar
  • 81
1 vote
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I can't seem to log onto other sites without signing-in [duplicate]

A while back, I went from Game Development to Arqade, and I didn't need to sign-in to log into Arqade, but now that I'm starting to go to Server Fault, I need to sign-in. Why didn't it ask me to sign-...
Alex's user avatar
  • 127
6 votes
1 answer

I comply with backoff orders, but still get "Violation of backoff parameter"

I sometimes get throttle violation errors from the API {'error_id': 502, 'error_message': 'Violation of backoff parameter', 'error_name': 'throttle_violation'} despite complying with back off orders ...
avm23's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can editing a closed and deleted question send it to the reopen review queue?

On an SE site where I'm a regular, I’ve noticed several closed and deleted questions that might be worth reopening due to recent changes in site policy / community consensus. Because there’s no ...
galacticninja's user avatar