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9 votes
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SO in read-only mode, status not updated

At about 7:55 EDT 23 OCT, attempting to refresh the main Stack Overflow page threw an error, and was in read-only mode when refreshed a few seconds later. The status page references a maintenance that ...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
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COMPLETED - Site maintenance - Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 9:00 PM-11:00 PM EDT (Thursday, October 24, 1:00 UTC - Thursday, October 24, 3:00 UTC)

[UPDATE 2 - Site maintenance has been completed] [UPDATE - The maintenance window has been expanded by one hour in order to complete the planned updates and not postpone to later have yet another day ...
Dalmarus's user avatar
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6 votes
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Cloudflare CAPTCHA is blocking all Stack Overflow pages in macOS Safari

I am a normal, real person trying to browse Stack Overflow from home. No weird office network issues or etc. No bots. A normal number of requests. Every Stack Overflow page is blocked due to this ...
pkamb's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to move a chat under another stackexchange site?

I wanted to open this chat under mathoverflow but instead it got opened under stackoverflow. How can I move it under mathoverflow?
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Impossible to solve Cloudflare Captcha due to timeouts

For the past 15 minutes I've been trying to solve a captcha that keeps refreshing to the same page and the reason, because it's set to timeout in 500ms on a line that has 1 second latency. It keeps ...
AaA's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

Was the new AI search feature "test" officially announced?

In the last few hours many users have noticed the new AI powered search feature that has been added to the site. I'll leave bugs reports and general commentary on how ineffective this is to other ...
ꓢPArcheon's user avatar
  • 34.8k
10 votes
2 answers

Can't post a question neither to Game Development nor to Game Development Meta

I created title, body and filled tags. It says "Draft saved", but when I click "Review your question" button, nothing happens. I reopened browser, put the question from scratch, ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
50 votes
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(Completed) Site maintenance - Mon, Sept 16 2024, 21:00 UTC to Tue, Sept 17 2024, 2:00 UTC (Mon, Sept 16 2024, 5pm-10pm ET)

[UPDATE - Maintenance has been completed] We have planned network maintenance that will impact Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange users. The window is scheduled for Monday, September 16 2024, 21:00 UTC ...
Dalmarus's user avatar
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40 votes
2 answers

Dramatic increase in New User accounts - why?

I've noticed a big uptick in "new user" account creation on Bicycles: Zooming in, we can see a cliff between 5 and 12 June 2024. Before that, new users were steady at 6-15 a day. After ...
Criggie's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

The per-site data dump downloads are missing metadata files

When the data dumps were hosted on the Internet Archive, it was a torrent that consisted of the torrent file, a number of 7z files for each site, some images for branding, and two text files - readme....
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k
106 votes
2 answers

Is the company selling our Personal Information or not?

While once again reviewing the Data Request page looking for an answer to my ignored concerns, I stumbled on the current revision of the Privacy Policy page. In its first paragraph the policy reads: ...
ꓢPArcheon's user avatar
  • 34.8k
15 votes
1 answer

Cloudflare challenge on API and WebSocket traffic used for AI Analysis

Currently, there's a reproducible issue with Cloudflare blocking (via user/browser challenge as in this question) all API and WebSocket traffic from several sources. This is impacting the AI analysis ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Data Explorer Query crashes with collation conflict error

I have a website built off my Q & A posted in Stack Exchange sites such as; Ask Ubuntu, Stack Overflow, SE Security, etc. Data Explorer is used to scrape ALL Stack Exchange Q & A I've posted ...
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

"An error occurred with log in."

(N.B., this is not affecting me, who uses Google auth., but has been reported by multiple people within the Meta Discussion discord). Upon trying to log in, the error: An error occurred with log in. ...
Nick is tired's user avatar
38 votes
1 answer

Delay in Data Dump release

Our quarterly publication of the Stack Exchange Network data (the “data dumps”) is currently delayed. While the process of copying and uploading data was scheduled to begin on Sunday, December 3rd, we’...
Rosie's user avatar
  • 14.3k
59 votes
1 answer

What is the status of the changes to the moderator agreement agreed to during the negotiations in August?

As part of the strike negotiation results, several changes to the Moderator Agreement were agreed upon. These include: A mandatory review period for binding policies Stack Exchange, Inc. staff cannot ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
12 votes
1 answer

30 Oct 2023. Stack Overflow read-only, but no information on site status

SO doesn't seem to allow logging in or writing anything, but status page ( says everything is operational. Did I miss something?
Hugo G's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

What happened to the "tour" button? [duplicate]

This has been reposted from Worldbuilding SE, since I noticed the issue is more than just this site. This issue is also happening on this super-meta SE. I believe this picture should help understand ...
Tortliena - inactive's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Does the Code of Conduct prohibit content justifying war crimes?

In war it is generally not acceptable to intentionally target civilians. This is usually addressed by either customary international law or by actual international treaty law. Intentionally killing ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
7 votes
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Some Stack Exchanges sites intermittently failed to load CSS and favicon with error code HTTP 406 Not Acceptable

When accessing some sites, sometimes primary.css and favicon.icon failed to load with the error code HTTP 406 Not Acceptable. (Ad blocker and user scripts already disabled) Display Network When ...
Meta Andrew T.'s user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

Why has my account disappeared without any notifications or warnings?

I used to have an account with id user:12361700 with more than 12,000 points on Stack Overflow. Eight hours ago, I could log in without any problem, but this morning, without any prior warning nor ...
Alberto's user avatar
  • 383
318 votes
13 answers

June 2023 Data Dump is missing

The data dump usually gets refreshed the first weekend of the month, every 3 months. The current data dump is still from March. Is there just a problem and it's delayed like in the past? Relevant ...
Data Dude's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can't open a ticket for merging accounts; Error occurs even though all fields are included

I tried to follow the instruction in the link but I can't open a ticket for merging accounts. I get the following error: We can't merge until we have links to both profiles; please add the missing ...
Byoungchan Lee's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

Why are "related questions" suddenly appearing above the answer input (instead of in the right sidebar) for unanswered questions?

(outdated context): I was seeing this on all network sites. Screenshot from MSO: Did something with A/B testing related questions within the answers list (testing has concluded) go out of control? ...
starball's user avatar
  • 29.2k
6 votes
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Help center page on what questions are on-topic here still says to ask Teams questions on Meta Stack Overflow

In response to the 2022 dissociation of Teams from the main Stack Overflow site, in February 2023, the community there moved to change the scope of their meta to no longer allow Teams questions. All ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
6 votes
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Site Sponsorships - no more?

Five years ago, Site Sponsorships were launched. It had its share of problems and bugs, but all in all the sponsored sites did show logo of their sponsor and all was fine. However, now out of the 12 ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Will we get a "2022: a year in moderation & closing" post this year? [duplicate]

For the last year (2021) stats, the network-wide "a year in closing" and per-site "a year in moderation" posts were posted on the 3rd and 12th of January 2022: 2021: a year in ...
Meta Andrew T.'s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to programmatically get the days 'visited' information? [closed]

On our Stack Overflow for Teams: Enterprise instance, I'd like to use the API to build a report on how often users visit the site. I can see this information in the admin dashboard (e.g. below, "...
Steve Dunn's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

"Review your question" button not working on iOS 15

For the past few days I have been unable to submit questions from the SE mobile site on an iPhone 7 running iOS 15.6.1. I can write the question title and body without issue, but nothing happens when ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 15.2k
11 votes
1 answer

Fix broken links to Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics

There are quite a few links in the network (148 when I'm writing this, mainly on Cross Validated, Mathematics and MathOverflow) to the Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics hosted at ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
10 votes
1 answer

Update Vue 2 links in all Stack Exchange sites

I'm trying to rewrite legacy Vue 2 links from to across all Stack Exchange sites. I've completed the update on Stack Overflow with a script, but there are ...
tony19's user avatar
  • 215
4 votes
1 answer

Text sorting layout on “answers” is broken on mobile

Just notice how the formatting is off in the middle where you can choose to sort by tab group.
Luke Hill's user avatar
  • 143
44 votes
1 answer

math.SE has been stuck in read-only mode for 7 hours

Since this answer doesn’t seem to be drawing any attention from anyone who can do something about it, I’m posting it as a question. The Mathematics Stack Exchange has been in read-only mode for 7 ...
joriki's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Waiting for March 2022 dump

I'm used to finding the new dumps during the first week of a quarter, but now it's the 15th and I'm constantly refreshing (hopefully everyone is doing well) ...
Felipe Hoffa's user avatar
14 votes
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How are 'status-deferred' and 'status-declined' used by staff? [duplicate]

This isn't covered by How does Meta Stack Exchange work?, as that just explains the tags, but I want to know how they are used by the staff. From experience this differs from the tag description. As ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Form to request erasure under GDPR doesn't indicate that attribution will be removed from all posts, a possible license violation

It's long been the case that when a user requests their account be deleted, all of their contributions are dissociated from their name. This would ordinarily be considered a violation of the CC BY-SA ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Stack Exchange changes broke UI on multiple legacy browsers - Again

The previously reported and resolved issues of broken UI behaviour on legacy browsers (Latest Stack Exchange changes broke UI on Firefox Android), specifically, Firefox 68.11.0 (the last one before ...
Ian W's user avatar
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39 votes
1 answer

Some sites are offline, but no blog or Twitter information. Is all OK?

Worldbuilding and Biology, for example, have been offline for about 15 minutes, Science Fiction & Fantasy and Psychology & Neuroscience for somewhat less. Meta disappeared for a bit, but it is ...
W.O.'s user avatar
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41 votes
1 answer

Where did the "helpful flags" go?

I just noticed that I can no longer see the number of helpful flags on other users' profiles. They used to be shown for all users (only clickable when someone is viewing their own profile). However, ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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12 votes
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Stack Gives Back total is off by $6 ( 8)

In the blog that was just published: Stack Gives Back 2021 the total of the donations is off by 6. When adding up all the amounts mentioned per organisation the total comes to $55,694 instead of $55,...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 36.2k
198 votes
1 answer

Why is the Google Analytics cookie defined as "strictly necessary" and saved without consent?

When you open a Stack Exchange site the first time you are asked about your consent for storing cookies. You can disallow all cookies except those that are defined as "strictly necessary". ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Link to podcast 400's transcript is broken

Podcast 400 of the SO podcast links to . It should link to https:/...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Was support for the SeaMonkey browser just removed?

For years I've been browsing the site using the SeaMonkey Gecko-engine-based browser. It has the following user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0 ...
dbc's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Is it intended that the votes from a previous (invalidated) review combine with the votes from a new review to leave a question closed?

TL;DR: I completed a Reopen votes review by myself, as a non-mod, and it seems I was able to do so because my "Leave Closed" vote combined with two others from a previous, invalidated review....
bobble's user avatar
  • 8,422
26 votes
1 answer

The new help desk system ignores the network

I recently raised a support request via the MSE contact us link for an issue involving another site (it's complicated and irrelevant). It lists the ticket as being for "". ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
8 votes
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"Read more" link doesn't appear on Election page

Using Firefox 93 on a Mac, the "Read more" link to expand moderator nomination statements doesn't appear. See image here from the moderator election page.
Alan Munn's user avatar
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5 votes
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Review queue "First questions" does not show any message when reaching the maximum number of daily votes

I know that this is not a serious problem, and I was very hesitant to report it or not. I am not sure if it only happens in Stack Overflow in Spanish which is where I am doing the reviews. The problem ...
Israel-ICM's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Most sites seem to be down right now

Most sites seem to be down right now, e.g. Stack Overflow: Meta Stack Exchange is one of the few which are still up (for me, located in the Netherlands). No updates on StackStatus (Twitter / website)....
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
18 votes
1 answer

Phantom rep, plus privileges? Audit says I should have 1374, but the site is showing 5922

At some point in the past day I seem to have gained roughly 4547 reputation. There's no entry on my reputation page that would explain it, and my reputation audit shows an end result of 1374. I've ...
Kevin B's user avatar
  • 11.9k
25 votes
2 answers

The API is unexpectedly retracting flags

I use the Charcoal FIRE userscript to red-flag posts. Today I found this SuperUser question (possibly 10k by now since it's spam) and I spam flagged both the question and answer. The question I ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 27.5k

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