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9 votes
1 answer

Bolded number "1" next to chat room when visiting on mobile

When browsing on mobile (Safari in my particular case), I see a bolded "1" next to the Teacher's Lounge room: The bold "1" does not appear when ...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
7 votes
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According to chat, Meta Stack Exchange was born today!

I noticed today this chat room here on Meta Stack Exchange chat domain. The room has been automatically created yesterday. This is the standard protocol for new sites, e.g. see this transcript, it's ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is there a pink line in the chat textbox?

Sometimes I notice this: There is a pink line, in the top of the textbox. I don't remember if always in same position, I think it's always on top, but horizontal position changes. It might be the ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
15 votes
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What is this "moderator" option on the access dropdown for users in chat?

As a Room Owner of a room on chat, I can see an option for "moderator" if I go to adjust the access settings for a user in that room: However, it doesn't appear to actually do anything. If ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
11 votes
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Timeout logging into chat

Is anyone else unable to log into chat rooms today? Other parts of the site seem to be working fine but trying to enter chat room listing invariably results in timeout.
bad_coder's user avatar
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Typical room activity is missing for one room in chat lobby

I just noticed that one room in MSE chat domain doesn't have the "Typical room activity" widget: The Trashcan room doesn't have the graph at all. Why is that?
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How is the number of "people chatting" computed?

The Music Fans chat is pretty lonely, but the system doesn't seem to think so: Image: Chat sidebar claims that there are "66 people chatting" On a good day, there are probably 3 people in ...
user avatar
15 votes
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Why did Feeds delete my chat message?

I posted a message in Charcoal HQ today (to add a new website to SmokeDetector's watchlist) and while it was acknowledged by the bot, it was promptly deleted. The message history says it was deleted ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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5 votes
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I can't turn off the new mobile chat interface even though the option is not activated in Preferences

Referring to this post about being forced to use the new mobile interface. In the Answer, we are told to go to our chat preferences and make sure that checkbox is not activated. The OP says it was ...
Cindy Meister's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't turn off the mobile chat interface in iPad [duplicate]

Back in October I asked about turning off the mobile chat interface on my iPad. At that time, it was sufficient to choose "full site" from the menu to turn it off. Sometime over the past few days, ...
Cindy Meister's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can users delete their chat account after deleting all their other accounts?

I noticed a former mod who has deleted all their accounts still has their chat account (emphasis mine): My diamond how now been removed and I have scheduled the deletion of all of my accounts across ...
JJJ's user avatar
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13 votes
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Why can only some child meta sites host chat rooms? Is there any way to bypass this restriction?

When I try to create a new Chat Stack Exchange room from here, and type "meta" in the "select a site" box, I see only 8 child meta sites. Any specific reason for this? Update: I just noted Which per-...
user avatar
4 votes
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Why is the number of "all time messages" only shown for room owners currently in the room?

In the "Overview" of some of the Stack Exchange chat rooms, the number of "all time messages" is shown for some of the room owners and not shown for the rest. For example, let's take The h Bar: ...
user avatar
7 votes
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Did starred message ordering change?

I looked at the starred message list in the Python chat room today, and it looks like the algorithm that decides what to show there has changed. There are a lot more high-starred old messages and a ...
user2357112's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Are chatrooms no longer shown in sidebar on main site, only on meta?

If you've been using SE network for some time, you have surely seen some chat rooms displayed in the sidebar on the right, something like this: I will add that I consider something like this useful. ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
3 votes
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500 internal server error when trying to access chat profile

I tried going on the Stack Overflow chat and got the following notice: The console shows: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) Update #1 It ...
Script47's user avatar
  • 17.5k
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Some avatars don't show up and only showing the alt text in the chat

Today I found my mozilla engine based browser (Mozilla Firefox 52.2.0 (32-bit)1) left me with some strange (image) rendering quirks at the Tavern on the Meta chatroom: As the title says there are ...
user0042's user avatar
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17 votes
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Who's to blame?! (aka newer chat message appears before older chat messsage)

So, I just saw this in The Tavern: The second message was posted before the first, yet appears after that message. Checking the ID of the messages, the ID of the first (!!/blame) is 5935908, while ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
2 votes
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Feeds not getting updated in ticker in chat room

We have added feeds in ticker in our chat room, as we add feeds after removing, it gets displayed. but after dismiss of ticker, we are not getting back when feeds get updated.
Arth Tilva's user avatar
2 votes
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Is "The Stack Exchange Network" room really haunted?

I've been told that this room is haunted, but I didn't really believe it until I heard a ping (while I was in the room and another), looked everywhere, but couldn't find its origin... This happened ...
user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Getting constant event notifications in chat that I never registered for

A couple of weeks ago I asked a question in Physics chat (the only time I ever went there) and was referred to the Pod Bay chat. I spoke briefly to someone in there and now when I'm in English ...
Robusto's user avatar
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Can't put backslash into backticks in chat [duplicate]

I have recently found in chat that you cannot put backslashes in backticks without them showing and it disappearing: Why is this so? If you put another letter in with it though it works as would be ...
user avatar
6 votes
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How exactly are favorite rooms in the active tab sorted?

I have noticed that one of the rooms which I starred (favorited) does not appear in the correct place, when the favorite rooms are sorted by activity. It always appeared at the end. I have started to ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
95 votes
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I'm seeing stars! (I can see who starred a message and so can you)

So I was making a chatbot in Ruby for SE chat, and I discovered that I could find out the starrer of a message. I'm pretty sure stars, like votes, are supposed to be anonymous. Although this ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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Why can some users below 20 reputation send requests for write access in chat rooms?

Why are some users allowed to request write access in chat rooms (Gallery Rooms) when they have below 20 reputation?? See here user requested for write access in chat room. See here, the user has ...
Ajay S's user avatar
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4 votes
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Problem in Chat Room-Search Bar

Some times when i click in the search bar when form is loading then the Hint Text does not get blank after loading completed. Even it allows to continue enter text after hint text. The forcolor also ...
Shell's user avatar
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I'm getting "Oops! Something Bad Happened!" when visiting Meta SO chat [closed]

I am seeing a very strange issue on the Meta Stackoverflow Chat. Stack Overflow's chat is working for me fine, this is just the Meta's chat that doesn't work. Does anybody know why this is happening?
N Sharma's user avatar
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3 votes
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Old Account giving me issues in chat

I had an old account that I created using an email. However, I have recently tried to not use my email for logging in places as it is a google account and privacy and all that. So, I was logged in on ...
RPiAwesomeness's user avatar
-2 votes
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meta chat rooms broken

using google chrome on windows 7 I go to the following url Even when logged in I get the following display which includes the link to ...
user avatar
-11 votes
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Shouldn't I be able to flag while suspended on chat?

I was (for some reason or another) suspended in the tavern. I am trying to flag a random message for a moderator, but the system is not letting me because it thinks it is a "vote" and I get this ...
qwertynl's user avatar
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13 votes
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How is reputation counted on chat?

I want to know how reputation is counted on Chat Stack Exchange. In the users page sorted by all reputation. It shows We all know Jon Skeet has 612k rep. How is reputation counted on chat?
Walker's user avatar
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12 votes
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Not able to leave a chat room

I can't understand what the issue is with leaving particular chat room. When I leave the room by clicking the "leave" link then after some time I am automatically joined in that particular chat room. ...
Nitin Gohel's user avatar
4 votes
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Is this intended (* in chats)

It is stated in the stackoverflow FAQ: *italic* or _italic_ **bold** or __bold__ so when I type three * followed by a word followed by another three * I ...
user avatar
7 votes
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Prevent requesting access to gallery chat room

If I am not totally wrong the "read list" of a gallery chat was meant to prevent the user who is on that list to request access again. We have a user who could request access again and again even ...
WarrenFaith's user avatar
24 votes
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What happened to Chat?

I just logged in to The Comms Room (ServerFault chat) and noticed this: Based on comments and quick look at a few rooms, seems to be all sites except Tavern on the meta. Something seems amiss...
Ward - Trying Codidact's user avatar
0 votes
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My chat profile is not synchronized again, can anyone fix this?

So, trying to visit my favorite bar as usual I suddenly again have no permission to talk anymore: How does one have 20 reputation on The Stack Exchange Network? Going to my chat profile, I see that I ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
2 votes
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Inconsistent "Upload Image" box

The upload image box shows an animated activity indicator when you upload an image on SO. However, in chat, when you upload an image, it just says "uploading image..." This is inconsistent and just ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Autologin fail

It looks like the auto-login feature doesn't work for me (on Firefox 3.6.9). I've just had to re-sign into each site individually. Also, chat is giving weird messages and inverting the order of the ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar