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HackerKarma's user avatar
HackerKarma's user avatar
HackerKarma's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
  • Missouri, US
15 votes

Is EXIF data removed from uploaded SE pictures?

11 votes

Is it possible to search for down voted questions?

11 votes

Make clear in the logon screen you can log in with your SE account

11 votes

Which tools and libraries are used for testing by StackOverflow developers?

9 votes

Does Stack Exchange support this responsible web content blocking bypass switch?

8 votes

Does Stack Exchange use "acceptable" ads according to Adblock Plus?

8 votes

Stack Exchange API page should have proper capitalization

7 votes

Badge "multiplier" a little bit misaligned on the profile page

7 votes

Why can't this picture be uploaded from URL?

7 votes

In next badge selection, why does Epic with 2/50 sort ahead of Illuminator with 24/500?

7 votes

Why does CrunchBase say StackOverflow serves 26 million users?

7 votes

What are these very long parameters in SO Careers "feedback always welcome" URL?

7 votes

Is it okay to use Stack Overflow as a code sample repository?

6 votes

Sometimes "Answers" is higher than "Questions" on the user profile

6 votes

Recognize EXIF Orientation value when posting images (and/or allow transform in img tag)

6 votes

Stack Exchange should be capitalized in the copyright

5 votes

Confirming that my own question is a duplicate by voting to close should have immediate effect

5 votes

Highlight for reputation notifications in top bar is too small

5 votes

Is Stack Exchange's <kbd> styling copyrighted?

5 votes

Can no Longer Find Convert to PDF Option

5 votes

Careers: "Waiting for data from GitHub"

5 votes

How visited is visited in the context of Fanatic?

4 votes

Links in <angle-brackets> don't show up

4 votes

Make it clear that we can only add books which are available on Amazon

4 votes

1 bounty is very bounty

4 votes

Why did the SE image uploader change the colors in this image?

4 votes

Why is the link to my Privileges under the "Edit Profile & Settings" tab?

4 votes

Share answer/comment URL is genius. How does it work?

3 votes

Searching for posts without a tag borks the search parameters

3 votes

Is changing the "Page Not Found" title to something dedicates to its site a good idea?