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43 votes
1 answer

Possible bug preventing chat room message search

It seems that the chat room search feature is not working. The search result always displays "0 messages found". It is not displaying messages that contain the search query, even if those ...
Carcosa's user avatar
  • 372
23 votes
1 answer

Chat search is returning no results

Searching any Stack Exchange chatroom doesn't seem to work at the moment. For example, the word "this" certainly appears in The Nineteenth Byte but
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar
20 votes
0 answers

Search for all chat messages by a particular user? [duplicate]

Is it possible to search for all messages by a particular user in the chat search, at I tried searching with the 'search for' field empty, but got no results... ...
Jez's user avatar
  • 1,893
19 votes
1 answer

More powerful chat search

The chat search function seems to be quite limited. For example, searching for "ask different" produces results where the post contains either "ask" or "different". As these are very common words, it'...
Kyle Cronin's user avatar
  • 37.9k
19 votes
0 answers

Unable to search for "no" in chat rooms

In chat searches, any search for the text "no" yields no results: "No" said by me in the Tavern (no results although I have definitely said "no") RSS Feed for "no&...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26.1k
16 votes
0 answers

To find old images in chat, you still have to search with the Imgur URL

I was recently looking for a graph I had posted to a private chat room several months ago. In order to find it, I went to search for messages posted by me containing in the room I knew I ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
14 votes
1 answer

Chat search is broken for a deleted room

This may be something to do with the recent downtime and relocation of SE servers to Colorado; I think that was around the time I started noticing problems. Chat search is broken, apparently ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Search doesn't remember the tabs

When searching a site, we have four tabs: relevance,newest,votes,active. Now, the auto-focused tab is "relevance". Sometimes, I want to search via the newest tab. Since search sucks, this required ...
Manishearth's user avatar
  • 79.3k
13 votes
0 answers

Searching for AND OR

Trying to search Stackoverflow Chat for AND or OR results in an error: curl -iL --head '' HTTP/1.1 302 Found Cache-Control: private Content-...
Dejan Marjanović's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Search for terms containing special characters in chat returns garbage

I did a search for A$, but a whole bunch of results containing "Å", "A's" and "as" were return, could not find one containing "A$":
user avatar
12 votes
0 answers

Users with non-ASCII characters in their username break the chat users search function

If you go to the chat users page and attempt to search for a username which contains non-ASCII characters, the search doesn't do anything. Example:
user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Problem with the chat search rate limiter

At some point semi-recently chat searches became rate-limited. I tend to search for something and then immediately change the sort order to "newest". This counts as two rapid searches, and I get this ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Impossible to search for usernames with punctuation in chat

When you do a search in chat, the punctuation is removed. For example, searching T.E.D. gives me everyone with /ted/i, but it doesn't catch the one user named T.E.D.. The same thing goes for searching ...
Manishearth's user avatar
  • 79.3k
8 votes
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Answer links copied from search result pages don't onebox in chat

Once, I searched for a previous answer I wrote here to help out someone who was asking about a similar thing in chat. I copied the link to the answer I was looking for from the search result page and ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
8 votes
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Add a way to exclude messages from specific rooms when searching chat

Some sites use a chat bot to post all comments made on a given site into a chat room, in order to provide a permanent archive of all comments posted on that site. There are reasons for and against ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
8 votes
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Searching for emoji in chat is 💩 (broken) [duplicate]

Recently, I've been recommending music in chat, 'tagging' it with emoji (🎶). But they don't come up in search! Yea, this is ...
Bob's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Chat RSS feed for tagged/xxx broken

When you use the tagged/ prefix for a search term in chat, you (are supposed to) get all messages with a specific tag. 1 However, the generated RSS link in the lower right corner of the results is ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 15.1k
6 votes
2 answers

Why aren't all messages on Chat SE indexed by search engines like Google?

Let's take an example. Using the Chat SE search I get 28 occurrences of the word "energizer bunny". But using Google's site specific search feature I get only 2 results. As far as I know, Chat SE is ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Chat search fails to load page 2

I can't seem to be able to load page 2 of some chat searches. For example this one: I just get the cat workin on ...
R. Martinho Fernandes's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Chat search is broken again

I can't perform a search on chat for something I said. It just takes forever, and after forever has passed, the 500 lolcat pops up. Here's an example:
R. Martinho Fernandes's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Room oneboxes with pings in search results/transcript are messed up

When a room link is posted into a room, it oneboxes: But when this shows up in search results, it shows up all messed up: and And in the transcript as well: I'm using Google Chrome version 58.0....
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
6 votes
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Chat search doesn't like apostrophes [duplicate]

Trying to search for words with ' characters in them in chat seems to return odd results. For example searching for you're in the DMZ gives results that are all oneboxes .This seems to happen with ...
Rory McCune's user avatar
6 votes
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Chat search RSS feeds aren't limited to the user or room when the chat search was limited to the user or room, causing more RSS results than necessary

When I was trying to figure out how many times someone said lol on chat I saw that the RSS feed provides more than just his LOLts. Steps to reproduce: Go to Root Access, it's a pretty awesome and fun ...
Tamara Wijsman's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can I search for images I've uploaded in chat?

I'm looking to find an image I posted in Super User Root Access a few weeks ago, when I first discovered a chat-specific easter egg. I've tried searching the chat transcripts for*, but it ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 15.2k
5 votes
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Chat search returning no results

Searching for anything on chat.Meta, chat.SE, or chat.SO is currently coming up with zero results (including words that I know have hits because I've searched for them before, such as the name of my D&...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
5 votes
0 answers

"More Stack Exchange Communities" search doesn't work in chat server

When you go into the chat server and enter anything into the "more Stack Exchange communities" search bar, no suggestions pop up: Also note that the input text is badly offset to the left ...
Red's user avatar
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Chat search results don't list anything after June 15 2016

I have tried searching a bunch of common terms in two chat rooms, and the results are never more recent than June 15 2016. The test was in The Render Farm, part of Blender.SE, and Moonwards, part of ...
kim holder's user avatar
5 votes
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Chat search broken in mobile Safari

Using Mobile Safari in iOS 8.4, and the full-site chat interface,1 if I type something in the search field and tap Search on the virtual keyboard, nothing happens. The virtual keyboard retracts, the ...
200_success's user avatar
  • 12.5k
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The chat search doesn't find my name in the transcript

By accident I stumbled into a chat message referring to me. I am pretty sure I wasn't notified of that message, but I am not 100%, I'll let this one drop now. Wondering what else I might have missed, ...
sbi's user avatar
  • 14.5k
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Chat search for terms with hyphens fails

Searching for "t-mobile" in chat fails even though there are occurrences of that string. This seems to have to do with the hyphen.
Pekka's user avatar
  • 115k
4 votes
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Failover chat search index out of date

I recently did this search, and notice it's not picking up newer results (Last one was from Jul 29 2017): I know for a fact this user has said welcome recently:
Blue's user avatar
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I can't search for messages written by myself

I don't know if it's because I recently changed my name, or whether my current name is too short, but I can't search for messages by either my old name or new name:
fredley's user avatar
  • 16.5k
3 votes
3 answers

Will chat be searchable?

Will relevant chats be listed when performing a search from the top of a meta stackoverflow page? Will there be a way to limit this just to active chats?
srcerer's user avatar
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Consistent Date Formatting in Chat Search results

Earlier today I wanted to analyse the downloads of RubberDuck VBA. Fortunately, the download numbers have been posted in chat, on a fairly regular basis, and in a fairly consistent format, so while I ...
ThunderFrame's user avatar
3 votes
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Don't have a separate page for chat searching

Clicking the search link on any page opens a new window/tab with a tiny search box on the left, leaving the rest of the page unused. Can we get it to show in a little box instead, and open the new ...
Andy E's user avatar
  • 14k
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Chat search should ignore the rendered html and focus on the markdown

Just search "code" in the chat search. You will immediately that this will show up, but hey, where does it says "code" in that string? Well, apparently you are searching the HTML ...
Braiam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can one search for some text in one's deleted chat messages?

I've had a few chat messages deleted by a mod and feeds in some chat room. I am looking for a few sentences I wrote in these chat messages. How can one search for some text in one's deleted chat ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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Is chat for general discussion?

When chat is added to the various stackexchange sites is it to be used for general discussion of the topic, or only for meta discussion? This is relevant to how search should work with respect to ...
srcerer's user avatar
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Make Chat search "and" not "or"

So new search for the sites defaults to "and"; adding more terms narrows scope. That's cool. I know/assume Chat's search wasn't overhauled and I don't expect half as much attention to be paid to Chat'...
Zelda's user avatar
  • 33.1k
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Please let me search chat messages for messages that consist solely of punctuation

It's become something of a meme for me to express my sadness in chat with messages that consist solely of ":(". How much of a meme? I don't know, because it won't let me search messages for ...
John's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to search something in chat groups, across SE websites?

Is it possible to search something in all the chat groups, across SE websites? For example, I know how to search on StackOverflow chats (I go to and search there, but how to ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
1 vote
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I can no longer search within urls in chat

This search used to be a handy way of seeing images I had posted, but it seems that the search algorithm has been updated to exclude searching within URLs. Can this be fixed?
fredley's user avatar
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What does the search on chat actually index?

I was trying to find a URL I posted yesterrday and performed the following search: But I don't get the desired result. Why? ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
1 vote
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Chat vs. Q&A - How to get their Maximum Advantage?

I am very glad that I can get the fastest answers to my (simple) questions in chat rooms. However, questions and answers in the chat room are not all that easily accessible to people outside the ...
Santosa Sandy's user avatar
0 votes
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Chat search fails to return more than 10000 messages [duplicate]

Chat search is currently unable to return any more than approximately 10000 messages, instead returning "0 messages found". I'm pretty sure it didn't do that before. The limit seems to be ...
emanresu A's user avatar
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Why can't I search this room name in rooms list here? [duplicate]

I can search all other rooms (which I usually go to chat) in the Stack Exchange chat list of all rooms except for "Sandbox/Trash Bin/Something". Is it because it contains slashes and the ...
Vikas's user avatar
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Wrong API response type, user search [duplicate]

Location Page: Field: «when said by» [name=user]#user When no result is found, the API responds with the plain text «No records.» Then JavaScript code tried to ...
vp_arth's user avatar
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Incremental search for chat user or room doesn't work [duplicate]

Incremental search for chat user or room doesn't work as expected: I.e. typing new letters doesn't refresh drop-down list content. If I do typing very quick it works some times:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar