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3 answers

Is it appropriate to ask for feedback about a website's code on Stack Overflow? [closed]

Is it OK to ask for feedback on Stack Overflow about websites we build, such as asking whether the code looks pretty valid and clean, or whether a certain effect should be done in a different way?
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there an RSS feed for podcast transcriptions?

The podcasts are interesting. Everyone agrees. But since I'm technologically1 deaf, I cannot listen to them. Since there are some nice users that provide transcriptions of the podcasts, is it ...
Steve Schnepp's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I see recent votes?

As far as I can see the "Recent" Answers shows answers that I have made recently (surprise). I notice that some of those answers have votes applied so I go back and look and sometimes see intersting ...
djna's user avatar
  • 205
3 votes
1 answer

Necromancer candidate view

Is there a way to get a list of all questions that potentially give a necromancer badge? That is, other than going through the old unanswered questions and manually looking for ones with 5 or more ...
Shiraz Bhaiji's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

I've been downvoted, can I find out which question or answer was downvoted?

I'm not interested in finding out who did the voting, but on SF I've dropped from 1211 to 1209 but it doesn't appear in the recent rep list.
Marko Carter's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to log in to SO using a Google Apps account

Is it possible to use a Google Apps username + password in order to log in to Stack Overflow and its sister websites? So far I've been unsucessful with this, but since i'm not familiar with the way ...
luciomartini's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Commenting bug?

I cannot give comments on SO but my rep is over 1000. Is this a bug? EDIT: Thank you guys: I thought I am going insane seeing this problem :) I just don't see a link to make comments at all. Page ...
Michal Sznajder's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Can't log in to my Stack Overflow account after friend used my computer [closed]

Earlier today, a friend of mine tried logging in to his account on my computer, but no matter what we did we got into my account instead. He's using a Technorati account, we got to the page and ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why have I not received the specialist badge?

I now have > 400 upvotes within jQuery tagged questions (see below images) but have not received the badge as yet. I passed the 400 mark a good few hours ago. Can anybody shed any light on this?
redsquare's user avatar
  • 1,659
2 votes
2 answers

Stackoverflow Jobs company search

How would one search for postings from a particular company in I'm having a lot of trouble accomplishing this.
stanigator's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Rep Got Capped Too Early?

According to the 'Today' tab I have 172 rep earned today. Yet I have answers that get upvotes that aren't worth anything, and haven't been turned into Community Wikis. Error1
Tyler Carter's user avatar
  • 13.8k
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2 answers

Is there a cap on daily up/downvotes?

Is there a cap on the number of times I can up/downvote other people's questions and answers in a day?
user68183's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Rep daily limit and losing accepted answers: is this right?

Just a request for a clarification. Let's say the following happens on DAy 1: Get 10 upvotes (100 rep); Have answer accepted (15 rep); Get another 20 upvotes (85 rep). Total: 200 rep. Day 2: Lose ...
cletus's user avatar
  • 48.4k
2 votes
1 answer

how can I change my photo on here? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I change my profile picture, or avatar? I searched but couldn't find a post, how can I change my photo, my openID is my myspace URL which has many photos, how do I show ...
JasonDavis's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Answer accepted (and up-voted) but only 10 rep gained?

I answered a question this morning, and shortly thereafter it was up-voted and accepted (presumably the up-vote came from the asker). However, my rep has only increased by 10, rather than the ...
Matt Hamilton's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

SO Tagging Problem? lists many questions with the tag Tcl in them. say there are no such questions.
Nir Levy's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why my reputation doesn't change, even if I get votes and more than 24 hours have passed?

Hi, On July 24th I answered a question in stackoverflow, and it got 18 votes, mostly in the two days after. On July 30th, I wrote another nice question and it got 12 votes, as you can see from my ...
user132890's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Issue with Noscript XSS protection and Yahoo open-id login into

I couldn't log into ( the first time I tried ) using Yahoo as my open-id provider because Noscript XSS protection kept flagging the attempt. I eventually had to disable XSS protection to ...
nagul's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

User page "member for" problem on Meta SO, not given full credit

Many users on Meta SO are being given full credit on their user page for being members for 10 or 11 months. I'm a bit jealous. Maybe I associated my accounts incorrectly or something because I'm ...
Kurt W. Leucht's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Did something happen to the login process on SO, possibly just for claim id accounts?

Did something change in Stack Overflow's login logic or this is my (or's) problem? When I try to log in with my claim id account, SO says that the account is new. My URL in Chrome (from ...
Nik's user avatar
  • 171
2 votes
3 answers

Why cannot the original author of a question delete it when has existing answers? [duplicate]

I re-asked the following the questions on and I did not allow me to delete them on because of the following reason: Increase the refresh rate on my ...
Michael Kniskern's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Launchpad openid login problem

My account on SO is rmyeid, I can not access the account anymore using the launchpad openid authentication server. I tried to figure what is the problem with launchpad support on the #launchpad irc ...
user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Why does (insert favorite search engine here) get better search results than SO, SF, or SU's own search function?

I've lost count of the number of times I've either asked a question or been answering a question only to have it closed as an exact duplicate. But searching for the question turns up a list of seemly ...
Kenneth Cochran's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What ActiveX control does keep trying to run?

My IE security settings reject it (and all ActiveX controls) of course, but I'm curious — what ActiveX control is this site (and Server Fault) trying to run? Note: It doesn't always happen. ...
Steven A. Lowe's user avatar
2 votes
8 answers

What to do about tag-abuse? [duplicate]

I'm starting to see more and more abuse of the tagging system. Not always intentional, but prevalent none-the-less. I think this started when people began adding the not-programming-related tag, which ...
Sampson's user avatar
  • 37.2k
-3 votes
4 answers

Why isn't my image displaying in my answer?

When editing this answer, the image displays properly in the edit preview. However, the image doesn't appear in the actual answer. What is going wrong?
joe's user avatar
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Are SO and InPrivate Filtering supposed to work well together?

IE8 has an adblocker built in. It is called InPrivate Filtering (not to be confused with InPrivate browsing a.k.a. porn mode). I have InPrivate Filtering on by default, and it did not interfere with ...
buti-oxa's user avatar
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4 answers

[Updated details] Searching for 'grails' get "0 results" but I know they are there!

I'm searching the site using the search box in the top corner and 'grails' returns nothing. Using google and ' grails' gets me some results. (I know I can use google, but would ...
Stevo's user avatar
  • 241
6 votes
3 answers

Is "Please Vote to Close" a valid use for Flag - Requires Moderation Attention

Is my desire to "vote to close" a valid reason to flag a post for moderator attention? I don't have the reputation required. So is it okay to request "vote to close" by proxy before I can vote to ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I close a question that has not received a suitable answer?

I have a couple of questions that I have asked previously but none of the answers given were the answers that I was looking for (so I have not marked any of them as the correct answer). How do I ...
user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Rep statistics - per tag

Is there any way to get the breakdown of my rep per tag ? As there are badges available depending on how many upvotes I have per tag it makes sense to get these stats.
user131638's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why didn't I get a reputation bonus?

I associated my account, but I'm still at 1. Why didn't I get a reputation bonus?
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What does "reduced advertising" mean?

What does "reduced advertising" mean? I mean, what are you awarded when you reach 200 rep? (I just got past it, woo-hoo!)
slipbull's user avatar
  • 287
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2 answers

Notify Daily of Answers

Maybe it's just me but when you check that option and give an email address, I don't then see a button or anything to solidify that setting. There is no save or anything. Am I missing something? If ...'s user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

did SO Javascript libs changed domains? [closed]

I've been having a problem using recently, i am not able to submit comments or upvote answers. I am behind a firewall that has an exception for the stackoverflow domain. I didnt ...
Nuno Furtado's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Has the number of answers that turns a question into CW changed?

My question: How can I explain why DRM cannot work? just changed into a community wiki, and I cannot figure out why. As far as I recall it needs to hit 30 answers before it automatically changes, but ...
jerryjvl's user avatar
  • 593
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2 answers

Are Questions Permanent?

I often mark useful post as a favorite for future reference. Are questions and answers on the site permanent or are the old ones deleted after a certain amount of time?
JasonDavis's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to remove interesting tags

One of my interesting tags is not bringing up data. Seems the community has deemed it necessary to add dashes to it. How do I get rid of this tag?
Sam's user avatar
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2 answers

Search results appear and then promptly disappear on Stack Overflow

I sure hope this hasn't been reported before, but here it goes: When I do a search on Stack Overflow (e.g.: sql multiple tables), I get a page full of responses (yeah!) and then they all disappear! I ...
Harold Bamford's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

No wiki Markdown references while answering a question?

How come there are no Markdown references when answering a question? When asking a new question there is a short Markdown reference with a link, when answering a question there is nothing. If I need ...
Brettski's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

My IP address is being blocked when accessing the trilogy sites

I have been using Stack Overflow and mostly Server Fault now for a while. Just yesterday when I go to any of the websites (,,, and
Matt's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I Login to Stackoverflow using RoboForm (Password Manager)?

Does anyone here use RoboForm* (or anything like it) to automatically log in to Stackoverflow? * RoboForm lets me log into any website using one click (automatically goes to website's login URL, ...
Robert Cartaino's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How can I change my question back from a community wiki? [duplicate]

I mistakenly made my question on Stack Overflow into a community wiki. How can I change my question back from a community wiki? Why am I not able to query a database from a forked child in Perl?
joe's user avatar
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Related accounts does not update avatar

Related accounts in profiles of SO/SU/etc seems to not update the avatar picture. I try cleaning cache, but I think is a server-side problem. I don't know if it's a bug or designed behavior.
Drake's user avatar
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When I click on my name, and scroll to my questions, why no indication which questions have approved answer?

I click on my name. I scroll down to (my) questions. Many have answers. In some cases, one of the answers has been ticked or checked, meaning that I have accepted one of the answers as resolution to ...
Tom Harris's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I use the "Requires Moderator attention" option?

How do I use the "Requires Moderator attention" option (when flagging a question)? As far as I can see there only a Cancel button. I don't know how to send off the text for the "Requires Moderator ...
This_is_NOT_a_forum's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

why does the yubico openID not work with stackoverflow?

Why does the Stackoverflow openid association not allow the Yubico OpenId to be associated? Stackoverflow returns this message.. Unable to log in with your OpenID provider: failed to authenticate, ...
pro's user avatar
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244 votes
1 answer

What is migration and how does it work?

I posted a question which was closed as off-topic and it seems like it could fit on another site in the network. How can I go about moving it there? What is migration? When can a question be migrated,...
2 votes
2 answers

Large number of enthusiast badges awarded in short succession

Recently (a few minutes ago), I noticed that on SO, all but one of the recently awarded badges on the list on the home page were Enthusiast badges. Normally, there are just a few at a time. Was this ...
Zifre's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What happened to the formatting buttons?

When I asked a question on SO, today, I noticed that the formatting buttons that used to be there are missing. What happened to them, and will they be restored soon? Edit Thanks to Eric for pointing ...
RobH's user avatar
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