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Can people still answer my questions if I delete my account?

I know if I delete my account, my question still remains. Can people still answer my questions if I delete my account?
Taylor Fang's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it OK to create a new question asking about code in an old answer instead of waiting until my reputation is 50?

I have a question about code that's in an old Stack Overflow answer. Is it OK to post a new question asking about that code instead if waiting until my reputation is over 50? If my reputation was over ...
Bryan-StackExchange's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How many answers did I facilitate and (roughly) how much answer rep was generated?

Answers to Who asked the most number of questions on Stack Exchange? include SEDE scripts for site-specific and network-wide methods to rank users who've asked the most questions. Someone pointed me ...
uhoh's user avatar
  • 6,436
12 votes
0 answers

How can I list all my questions and answers whose CommonMark rendering doesn't match the cached rendering?

I understand that the CommonMark migration messes up the formatting of some answers and posts once they're edited. How can I list all my questions and answers whose CommonMark rendering doesn't match ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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If a broad question is split into multiple questions, can answers be "ported"?

I've posted an intentionally broad question on SE Music Fans. The question lends itself to, potentially, a large number of answers, but also to reasonably focused and concise answers, easy to browse ...
Aaron's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Is it possible for users to view a post's up and down vote history?

Is it possible to view a graph showing a post's up and down votes over time? Not who voted for it, just "vote received at [timestamp]". I know if a user has enough rep they can see the total up and ...
Cool Fool's user avatar
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1 vote
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Editing a question in base of an answer [duplicate]

Suppose someone ask a question, then in base of the answer I gave, he/she change the question to something else. Now the my answer is meaningless looking like a copy of a part of the question. What am ...
enxaneta's user avatar
  • 173
15 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to search questions only or answers only?

Is there a way to limit a search to questions only or answers only? Sometimes I am looking for specific questions, checking for duplicate questions or just simply searching for a problem, not a ...
hat's user avatar
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3 votes
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I posted a question on Aviation. Can I also ask it on Physics and Engineering?

I asked a question on Aviation. I think that also Physics users and Engineering users should be able to easily see my question; they may be interested to answer or to write some comment that could be ...
d.pensopositivo's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Who shared my question or answer?

Can I know who shared my answers or questions in other posts, or this is not possible? Sometimes some member answers, and in the answer shares a old question or answer for more clarification. Can I ...
Youcef LAIDANI's user avatar
4 votes
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In the data explorer, how do you get the answers to a question?

Using Stack Exchange Data Explorer, how can you find the answers to a particular question? I would assume it would be something like this: SELECT answers FROM ( SELECT id=12345 FROM posts ) ...
AAM111's user avatar
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Escape character not working [duplicate]

The escape character not working with the code I write in the questions or answers (but not in the comment). I can't write: `\`something\`` As inline code, it appears like \something``, but it ...
Robert's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
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Terminology: What should we call people who ask questions and people who answer them? Please discuss [duplicate]

I'm used to forums, where you talk about posters and OPs. In SE, what can we call someone who asks a question - an OP, a questioner, something else? What should we call someone who answers - an ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
4 votes
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Dealing with bundle/omnibus/list-of-questions question that consists of rather distinct questions [duplicate]

I have looked at the various help pages but I couldn't find a clear guideline for the following issue: often enough someone will ask in the same post (i.e. in the same SE-question) a whole bunch of ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do late answers appear in the First Posts review queue?

My understanding is that a "late answer" is a new user answering a question and a "first post" is a new user asking a question. If I'm correct why do late answers appear in the First Posts review ...
Sathiya Kumar V M's user avatar
10 votes
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How to mark question as answered (solved) if my question does not have any answers? [duplicate]

How to mark question as answered (solved) if my question does not have any answer? I know that I can answer my question and then accept it. But I am interesting if there is any other way to mark my ...
vasili111's user avatar
  • 203
2 votes
1 answer

Capital letters when writing questions/answers and comments

I have the following issue. When i write a question/answer/comment the first letters of some words like "need" automaticaly begin with capital letters. I noticed that many of my posts get edited cause ...
Robert P's user avatar
  • 271
2 votes
1 answer

Answering Duplicate questions in and then another Duplicate Question within the Comments [duplicate]

I answered a question. The question is a duplicate, which I flagged. The OP then asked this question via comment. The comment question is also a duplicate question. Is this the correct response? ...
user avatar
4 votes
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What happens to a question when a user is deleted?

Say a user asked a question. He had answers on it, as well as upvotes and downvotes, but then his account is deleted for some reason. What will happen to all the questions, answers, upvotes and ...
Mohammad Areeb Siddiqui's user avatar
0 votes
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Accepted answer not listed on top [duplicate]

I was just browsing the question Deserializing empty xml attribute value into nullable int property using XmlSerializer on stackoverflow and I noticed that the accepted answer is listed after the ...
Jehof's user avatar
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What actions/interactions cause a question to move to the top of the list? [duplicate]

What actions or interaction on a question cause it to move up / timestamp refresh? For example, I know that for the following... Posting an answer (yes) Voting up a comment (no) Flagging the question ...
Andrew Mao's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Am I obligated to answer questions before asking one? [duplicate]

I am new here and I have a question. Can I just ask questions on this community or do I have to answer other peoples questions too? I feel awkward when I just ask but not being able to help anyone.
DilbertFan's user avatar
0 votes
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How to post a Comment on a Question or Answer [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do comments work? How do you post a comment to a question or answer. The FAQs suggests 'comments' as a possibility, but there isn't ...
Matthew R's user avatar
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What if I'm not satisfied with an answer, or find it too complicated?

Just as I was about to post a question, I found that it's already been asked, and an answer has already been accepted. However, I don't understand the answer, and wish for a simpler answer. What ...
Redandwhite's user avatar
6 votes
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my crummy questions

What's the netiquette for a bad question (mine)? Generally, my first attempt at a question is a sort-of meta "what should I be asking?" type of question without a clear answer. I'm at fault for ...
Thufir's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do I get answers after editing a question? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I get attention for my old, unanswered questions? I asked a java question here: How can I make this method end its recursion and reach a maximum? But because I left ...
Mingling94's user avatar
1 vote
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What to do if a question is unanswered? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I get attention for my old, unanswered questions? I have asked a question and got only 3 views without any comment nor answer. So I decided to ask a new question to ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there a way to check to see why my question was downvoted? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: So annoyed with no-comment, vindictive downvoting My question was recently downvoted and the person that did it never said why. Is there a way to see the reason why the person ...
judeclarke's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Yesterday? Wow... Did I go back in time?

I just looked at my question from two days ago and it says I asked it yesterday: Here is what I get when I hover over the yesterday next to my name: 2011-12-07 17:14:10Z And Popular Demand: 2011-...
Naftali's user avatar
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10 votes
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What do SO, SF and SU stand for? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Stack Overflow Glossary - Dictionary of Commonly-Used Terms I'm new to the meta site, and this seems like a very simple question, but as I don't know the answer and google ...
AidanO's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why can't I see the answer to one of my questions?

I asked a question on Stack Overflow. I was really interested in this question, but after more than one month I still hadn't got a reply. However, finally today I read in the question details "1 ...
sfrj's user avatar
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0 votes
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Why can't i edit my own question?

Hi all, I've got a question at My question is deleted; how do I read the answers? and I want to edit the answer. But i couldn't do so. To be sure, I'm logged into the account that posted the ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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5 votes
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Accept an answer Obligation

I've got the following message on one of my "not have an accepted answer" question: "Have you considered accepting an answer or starting a bounty for this question?" Am I obligated to accept ...
Akram Shahda's user avatar
1 vote
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What does this section of the FAQ mean?

Please look around to see if your question has already been asked (and maybe even answered!) before you ask. It’s also perfectly fine to ask and answer your own question, as long as you pretend you’re ...
avpaderno's user avatar
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Questions which have not been properly answered

I have several questions in SO , for which I have not received a proper reply. It goes more into a discussion thread , which I am fine with, provided a get a reply. Unfortunately this has not been in ...
Sujay Ghosh's user avatar
3 votes
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Remove answers that are not acceptable

I have some questions with answers but non of the answers are acceptable (just wrong). But after there are answers it is considered as answered, so I don't get any other answers. Is there a way to ...
Yochai Timmer's user avatar
22 votes
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How do I see which of my questions are not accepted?

I want to quickly see all questions I have asked where I have not accepted an answer. How do I do this? Return to FAQ index
1 vote
2 answers

How to deal with mysterious users

I noticed that in SO there are a lot of mysterious users. I mean users who generally behave as follows: Scene 1 Post a general question about a general problem on their code. These kind of questions ...
Shoe's user avatar
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What do you do with "expired" questions?

For example, see my question here: Incorrect privilege wiki for the 10k tools (Privilege descriptions out of date) Surprisingly, I got another vote just minutes ago on that question.. It has been ...
RichardTheKiwi's user avatar
2 votes
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After you get an answer, is it prefered to generalize the question?

Sometimes I ask a question suited to my problem. When it gets answered I know what happened and what the problem is. So is it preferred to edit the question so it will apply to more questions people ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Where do I ask Google Apps & iGoogle related Question?

Hello everyone, I have been working with Google Apps & iGoogle Gadget & just used to ask some queries like postini, iGoogle Gadget Query, Gmail, RSS Feeds, Gmail Gadget for Personal Gadgets. ...
user avatar
2 votes
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What does "permalink to this answer" mean, actually?

I have seen at the bottom of either a question or answer a link called link. When I mouse over it, the tooltip says Permalink to this question or Permalink to this answer. What does this actually ...
Will Marcouiller's user avatar
1 vote
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How to find my answer on a now-closed question?

Last week I answered a question where someone more or less asked if using jQuery made someone a weaker JavaScript developer. The question did have some problems in how it was asked (it read more like ...
Weston C's user avatar
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How to get answers for sure

I just want to know how I can make sure that my question will get answered. Sometimes, my questions remain unanswered. Is this because noone knows the answer, or — more likely — because ...
kiki's user avatar
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77 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to follow a user on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Is there a way to follow the questions and answers posted by a developer on Stack Overflow?
user avatar
7 votes
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Answers not getting accepted for Android questions

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but I've noticed that the majority of the Android questions that I've answered (with correct answers) are not acknowledged at all - the user who asked the ...
xil3's user avatar
  • 187
0 votes
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Only show questions with no answers [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there a page that displays questions with zero answers? Is it possible to only show question which are not yet answered?
Niels P.'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Trilogy Sites used as a Social Engineering Platform for Malware?

I just saw the following "answer" in one of my questions @ SuperUser: yes yes offcourse. try this i guess its have nice tutorial and password file is h**p://...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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-2 votes
4 answers

How do you stop people from asking and answering their own questions en masse?

How do you stop people from asking and answering their own questions en masse?
user68183's user avatar
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Cannot Accept Answer on Old Post

I just stumbled across an old question of mine, realising it didn't yet have any accepted answer. However, when I viewed the page, I noticed that the tick marks for accepting answers had all ...
Noldorin's user avatar
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