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7 votes
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Custom OT closure wording not working

When this question had but three close votes, I clicked "close" to see the reasons offered, and all three were for "This question appears to be off-topic because it is about something fun. And we hate ...
msh210's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

The "Other" off topic reason for closing can circumvent our actual mission

I'm really happy overall about the changes to closing. I think the new close reasons are much less full of jargon than the old reasons. In practice, however, I'm seeing an actual issue with one ...
George Stocker's user avatar
4 votes
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Off Topic or Not Constructive? Do close voters simply follow reasons chosen by others?

I just noticed this is closed since several minutes as off topic. But IMO, it's a prime example of "Not Constructive". I'll admit the line between closing reasons are blurred to me - I never really ...
zw324's user avatar
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0 votes
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Off Topic Close vote suggest a SE website besides the 5 listed [duplicate]

I see on When voting to migrate an off-topic question, why is the list of sites limited?, that it is a concern to allow user migration to any SE site based on users' understanding of the other site. ...
Mooseman's user avatar
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-6 votes
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"Too localized" on SO is generally the same as "Off-topic" that belongs to CodeReview.SE

The too localized close vote description states: This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an ...
pilsetnieks's user avatar
6 votes
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Can the migration site list show sites that I'm active in?

There are a number of questions here on Meta asking about the list of migration sites when you vote to close a question as off-topic. The list given is quite short and people have asked repeatedly if ...
Spudley's user avatar
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0 votes
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Review the list of site for off-topic question [duplicate]

When I want to vote to close a question, most of the time, the target site will be Super User Code Review And that's pretty all. The list propose me site like SharePoint and Tex. The good news is ...
Cyril Gandon's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can Apple.SE be added to the list of sites when voting to close a question as off-topic? [duplicate]

Often when I vote to close a question, I'd like to suggest it belongs on Ask Different. Is there a reason it's not included in the list?
SSteve's user avatar
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Add an automated message to posts that have at least 1 "Close as [Low Quality]" vote

As a >3k rep user on SO, I try to do my part and cast close votes on low quality questions. For new users, I've tried to be a good citizen in the past and leave a comment with suggestions to ...
cpilko's user avatar
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1 vote
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Default off topic option not focused

When voting to close a question as off topic, the "is off topic" option is selected by default and the "vote to close" button is enabled. (I understand that there reasoning behind this, in that people ...
Neil's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I move a question to another Stack Exchange site? [duplicate]

How do I move a question to another Stack Exchange site? For example, I see a lot of questions which are specific to WordPress, and should be asked in But when I ...
Itay Moav -Malimovka's user avatar
-8 votes
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What should I do when people try to close a valid question as off-topic?

I have a question on Stack Overflow asking why JavaScript still runs after being disabled I thought it was a programming-specific question but it has received 3 close votes now. To quote the FAQ, we ...
Antony's user avatar
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100 votes
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Add "Flag as Other" checkbox to "Vote to Close as Off-Topic" dialog

Ok, after seeing the idea here, and following the chain here, and seeing it here, I think I have the best time/stress saving option for closing as off-topic. How about we put a checkbox in the close ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
2 votes
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Add an open-ended option to the 'off-topic' site list [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Off-topic flag should allow “other” choice text entry The 5 sites listed in the off-topic site list cannot encompass all the possibilities for off-topic questions on SO. ...
nbrooks's user avatar
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8 votes
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Closing question as off-topic has no options to move to another site (main SO)

I spend some time every day reviewing questions (including "close question" queue). If I select "close as off-topic", I usually get a sub-selection of options to move the question to another site: ...
Aleks G's user avatar
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Should specific SE tech sites be more visible on Stack Overflow?

Stack Exchange has grown a lot and has a bunch of sites whose content ends up on Stack Overflow. These include, but are not limited to: Meta; Server Fault; Super User; TeX; DBA; Programmers, Pro ...
smartcaveman's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Intelligently display the sites displayed when closing question as 'off topic' [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Migrate shortlist based on tags? Currently sites for migration displayed when closing questions as 'off topic' is limited. I know that I can flag the question for moderator ...
Naveen's user avatar
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There should be more sites to select on of topic close [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: More options when flagging for migration I just found this question which belong to math but you ...
jcubic's user avatar
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1 vote
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When to close or flag a question that "doesn't belong there"?

With a few reputation points came to me the option to close off-topic questions and not just flag them. I thought this meant flagging them was now useless and was just giving more work to people ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I re-open a closed question, but make the re-open be for another Stack Exchange site

I frequently see questions that I or others have asked that get closed. Sometimes (especially with the increasing number of Stack Exchange sites), it would be appropriate to transfer them to another ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
2 votes
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Don't nag me when I'm on the page of a question that I've answered which I've just migrated

On meta, when a question you've answered is migrated, you will receive a banner at the top of the screen: However, if I am on the page and the person responsible for migrating the question because: ...
casperOne's user avatar
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11 votes
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The "off-topic" close reason on Meta sites should refer to Stack Exchange, not the individual parent site

When voting to close a question on a Meta site such as Meta Super User, there is a predefined close reason for off-topic, and it states that questions on this site should be related to Super User. ...
slhck's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does off-topic votes get any more attention?

Sometimes when I browse older questions I find questions that are clearly off topic for StackOverflow and should be migrated. So I vote close - off-topic on the question. But the problem is the ...
Jonas's user avatar
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-10 votes
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Vote to close as off topic should be a separate category

I think the current system doesn't make sense: TL;DR - Vote-to-close as off-topic should not offer a target site. There should be a separate vote-to-move-to-different-stackexchange-site category. ...
Martin's user avatar
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175 votes
8 answers

More options when flagging for migration

I think there should be more Stack Exchange networks available when flagging a question to be migrated. For example I'd think that the following question:
mhitza's user avatar
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Why do programming environment questions always get closed?

Why are questions that help you setting up the coding environment not allowed? I have asked some and seen some from others and all of them are closed. This post tells a story of a question of this ...
mico's user avatar
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Why are off-topic questions bad? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What is the benefit to close any question which is not as per rule of SO but still useful in some way? I commented on this question:
AShelly's user avatar
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1 vote
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Transferring questions to other sites using voting mechanism?

I see people talk about questions being asked in the wrong Stack Exchange site. Can a question not be transferred to another Stack Exchange site, using the same vote mechanism?
sfk's user avatar
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Add text to the “close as off-topic” dialog explaining the possibility of flagging for moderator attention

In “Need option “belongs to CodeReview” in “close because off-topic” button”, it was explained that If you see a question that you think would be a better fit for another site not on the migration ...
Timwi's user avatar
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Options in “vote as off-topic” dialog should include [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Need option “belongs to CodeReview” in “close because off-topic” button The options in the “vote as off-topic” dialog should include codereview....
Timwi's user avatar
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