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filter by tag in review is not working

I click on review in StackOverflow, and its open review page. Then I clicked on java in by tag: filter in Close Vote section. Now I want to change filter from java to python, when I change in url ?...
Nilesh's user avatar
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Posts with less than 4 close votes are displayed in close review page [duplicate]

I have just read this post about displaying only the questions with at least 4 close votes: Now, only questions with at least 4 votes/flags are listed in the close review queue. If you're thinking, ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Are too many badges on question review the cause of a huge closed votes queue?

I am wondering if badges on question reviews are the cause of the huge closed votes queue. Shouldn't this be discussed or tested to see if the CV queue can be reduced eliminating some of the relevant ...
FeliceM's user avatar
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25 votes
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What could machine learning do for the Close Review Queue on StackOverflow?

Say a reward was offered for a machine learning system that could predict the outcome of part completed reviews, and a nice test dataset was provided, would it make a interesting project for 3rd year (...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
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6 votes
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Displaying close review queue size according to category [closed]

There are 116K items on close review queue now. But I just wonder, what is the distribution of these items according to close reason categories? Is there a way to see which queue have how much item, ...
Mp0int's user avatar
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How many questions in the close queue have not been viewed in the last week?

Given: The close queue is very large and not much progress is being made. A bad question that no-one sees is not a real problem So how many of the questions in the close queue are not being seen by ...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Close Vote Review Limit Recommendations

Summary As many of us are aware, the number of questions in the close vote review queue has been increasing at what appears to be a faster pace than ever. During the month of December, I observed that ...
6 votes
1 answer

Why are there still 100K+ closes in the close review queue after two close reasons were removed?

Shouldn't all of the flags and close votes for the recently-removed close reasons have been deleted?
Robin Green's user avatar
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Close Vote Maths [closed]

Apologies if this is a repeat, I know the close vote queue has been discussed a lot but I've not actually seen these figure anywhere and just in my short time on the site the close queue has grown by ...
Tim B's user avatar
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19 votes
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Close Votes system slightly altered?

I was wondering if there was any change made to the Close Votes system? The number of unresolved reviews in the queue is day from day lower and lower. I noticed that a few days ago, because it is ...
Ondrej Janacek's user avatar
12 votes
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What is important about closing questions

I've cast well over 1000 close votes (in review tasks and just seeing bad questions), only to see the queue continually grow. That's rather disheartening. But now I wonder why it was so important to ...
Dave Alperovich's user avatar
3 votes
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Breakdown of questions in VTC queue

I was looking at this answer about flags being shown in the VTC queue. I was wondering if flags counted as a significant part of the VTC queue, as the queue is over 100K. It would be nice to get some ...
hichris123's user avatar
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Stack Overflow needz moar ads

This got me thinking... Not about a contest though. I don't want people reviewing questions so that they'll get something in return; folks should be doing it because they care about the questions, ...
Shog9's user avatar
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Filter [review Close Votes] to the tags I marked interesting [duplicate]

The number of open close votes just reached over 100k and I've never seen it go down before. I tried a number of those, but a lot are about subjects I don't understand (for me that would eg be python, ...
Martijn's user avatar
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What difficulties could be there to show amount of posts that match my filter in the SO CV queue?

I am interested to track the progress in "my neck of woods", that is to roughly estimate how many posts in the queue match the filter I selected (FWIW, my current filter is "primarily opinion-based" ...
gnat's user avatar
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37 votes
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What is the cause of this sudden drop in CV queue size?

At Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:51:01 GMT, there was a sudden drop in the close votes review queue size from 98932 to 98314. This is about 600 questions over the course of one minute. It doesn't seem like a ...
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0 votes
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Roll implicit "filter of the day" for reviewers having default settings

Purpose of this feature request is to help SO CV reviewers understand how filter works. For why this is considered important, refer 1, 2, 3. Suggest that reviewers having default settings would be ...
gnat's user avatar
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View older questions in the close votes queue?

Is it possible to show questions from year 2009, for example? Most of the questions I see in the close queue are new. It make sense to close the newest questions that are wrong. But sometimes it's ...
MikroDel's user avatar
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5 answers

Close Votes review: I'm NOT going on a strike! [closed]

In direct contrast to this post: Close Votes review: I'm going on a strike! I'd like to say: I'm not going on strike! ... and I'd like you to do the same. But... why? Yes, I am frustrated ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
-9 votes
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Reset the close vote queue [closed]

This idea has already been proposed in response to one of many questions about the size of the close vote queue on Stack Overflow. So here it is again, as a separate feature request: Reset the close ...
Kerrek SB's user avatar
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27 votes
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Reduce the number of reviews needed to complete an item in the CV queue

There are currently 95.3k items in the Close Vote queue, and 2 items in the Reopen Votes queue. The number of reviews needed to close a question from the CV queue is 5, which is ridiculously high. ...
Matt's user avatar
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Can't get Data Explorer results to agree with StackOverflow close vote queue size

I'm messing around with Data Explorer and having some trouble getting results that match the Stack Overflow close vote queue size displayed on /review. The review page says the current queue size is ~...
Jason C's user avatar
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4 votes
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Close Vote Review - Can we just get a Community Wiki on this? [duplicate]

Seriously, in just the last few hours we have: Close Votes review: I'm going on a strike! Reward me for my community service Allow direct linking to a filtered /review queue Display the number of ...
Johnny Bones's user avatar
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Display the number of pending review tasks created in the past 24 hours for the Stack Overflow close review queue

This is just depressing: And I don't mean it's depressing that there are that many questions that might need to be closed. There are nearly 6 million open questions on Stack Overflow - if under 2% of ...
Shog9's user avatar
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Allow direct linking to a filtered /review queue

I'm really missing the ability to give folks an easily-digestible chunk of the close review to chew on by simply handing them a link to the pending review items in their favorite tag. This was ...
Shog9's user avatar
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Close review queue rep

From what I have read, StackOverflow is having a huge problem with close review questions. I just crossed over 400 rep on StackOverflow, and would like to help. I have been dismayed to find, however, ...
tjons's user avatar
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24 answers

Close Votes review: I'm going on a strike! [closed]

I know this question is going to make me unpopular here – but I feel I have no other options. I have been concerned by the size of the close votes review queue for quite a while. When I ...
Shai's user avatar
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16 votes
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How many posts in SO CV queue aren't eligible for vote expiration, ie have no votes, only flags?

Is there a way to estimate amount of posts in queue that aren't eligible for vote expiration, that is have only flags? I'd like to understand how many posts are guaranteed to eventually leave the ...
gnat's user avatar
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-6 votes
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Should we reduce the required reputation to review close votes? [duplicate]

I have tried to find a duplicate of the question but not able to. so please excuse me if there is a duplicate of this. This is my suggestion that we should reduce reputation cap require to review "...
Dhaval's user avatar
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23 votes
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Show close votes on a question from the front page to help reduce the close vote queue

Idea one billion on how to reduce the close vote queue: Background Often when I see a question with downvotes I may visit it to see "what’s up" even if I'm not interested in the specific ...
Richard Tingle's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How can I make a bigger dent in close vote reviews? [duplicate]

I have 40 close votes per day, which I can go through in 15-20 minutes on reviews (or much less if I filter to opinion-based/too-broad). The current close vote queue size is 90.7k. At 4 remaining ...
Jason C's user avatar
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15 votes
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Can someone analyze the Close Vote queue on StackOverflow? [duplicate]

Can someone with access to the right data produce some analysis of the Close Vote queue? When I work out how, or when I can do it, there will be a substantial (for me) Bounty for something effective. ...
Bill Woodger's user avatar
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7 votes
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Reviewing Close Votes, is just too painful, make it easier [duplicate]

I have been reviewing close voted questions for a while now. And I am not feeling encouraged to close questions since the numbers are just growing. I feel really responsible for allowing SO to have so ...
Siddharth's user avatar
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Another idea for close-vote queue rejuvenation: Show the number of items added today, not the total number [duplicate]

This is just one more idea for a way to rejuvenate people's interest in the SO CV queue - which, at the time of this writing, is at 84.7k reviews needed. Some people are working hard to try to drum ...
Undo's user avatar
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Why not raise the individual number of Close Votes? [duplicate]

I'm seeing for a long time that the review for Close Votes just raises every hour, is at least 1k per day. This is out of control. I have some old flags that never was reviewed and in this way never ...
Butzke's user avatar
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How to handle ever-increasing number questions pending closure in the review section [duplicate]

Ever since I gained 3000 rep on SO, I've noticed that the number of questions pending review for closure has increased consistently. It must have been 2 or 3 months ago that I first got rep to start ...
tnw's user avatar
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Get Community involved in the close process

It's been noted that the Stack Overflow close vote queue has a few questions in it. More generally, it appears as though the Stack Overflow community cannot keep up with the volume of questions that ...
ben is uǝq backwards's user avatar
35 votes
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Tweaking close requirements to manage the close queue

There have been no shortage of ideas to get the close queue manageable. Here's one more: let's fundamentally re-think how many votes it takes to close a question. Currently, diamond mods can close ...
Adam Rackis's user avatar
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33 votes
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An alternative approach to the close queue [duplicate]

Here's an alternative proposal for the close queue. Two queues. Queue #1 shows only questions that are no more than 24 hours old. The site would use this queue to get attention onto ...
Rosinante's user avatar
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78 votes
11 answers

Proposed contest for close review queue posse [closed]

Many hands make light work. I propose that we offer a coveted Stack Exchange coffee mug to the top 25 people who work to clear the close queue in the next 45 days, and a USB rocket launcher to the ...
user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

New queue for moderators: questions that appear stuck in close votes review at SO [duplicate]

Suggest to setup a dedicated queue for moderators to review questions that hang in Stack Overflow CV queue for more than specified amount of time - say for 5, or 10, or 20 days, or maybe for a month. ...
gnat's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Handling the close questions queue: weighted votes

I've been a member of SO community for several months only and during that time the close questions queue size has increased significantly - by about 30k. In my opinion it is important to reduce the ...
Dariusz's user avatar
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Request for review: close/reopen "known good" audits

The difficulty of some review audits in the /close and /reopen queues has been brought up here a few times recently. It's true: a few of these audits are difficult, if not outright misleading. We've ...
Shog9's user avatar
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57 votes
2 answers

Daily close votes queue limit [closed]

This question is related to this (jan23), this (mar 12) and many others; with the difference that close queue on SO today is 20k longer = 74k. I read & understand about the fear for robot-...
Sergio's user avatar
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Sort Order on Close Vote Queue

The Close-Vote queue is large and growing. I searched for definitive information on how that queue is sorted for reviewers, and the nearest I could find is that it is randomized - but that post was ...
Nathaniel Ford's user avatar
14 votes
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Close Vote Funnel and Metrics

Since the recent change to Close-Votes the number of votes in the Close review queue has been growing dramatically. This has been discussed. Most of these discussions center around whether there is ...
Nathaniel Ford's user avatar
9 votes
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Daily Close-Vote review queue [closed]

The close-vote review queue gets bigger and bigger every day. Some say they are discouraged by the sheer number of outstanding close-votes. What can we do to encourage reviewing? Display a fake ...
juergen d's user avatar
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7 votes
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Should I vote to close a question if it has an accepted answer?

The Stack Overflow close queue is at 68K question, and some questions voted for closure reach reviewers sometimes 6-10 hours after being posted. I don't actually know how long since the first flag/...
Sergio's user avatar
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Automatically filter the Close Votes review queue to active tags for newbies

I am a little puzzled over this subject. Why does the number of items in the "close votes review queue" is always increasing? Compared to "suggested edits" - there are fewer items in the close votes ...
Shai's user avatar
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65 votes
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Allow us to additionally filter off-topic close reasons in the Close Vote Review Queue

Given the ever growing close vote review queue, I think it would help things along if we could streamline the filtering a little more. At the moment we can filter by tag and by close reason, but off-...
apaul's user avatar
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