Why is there one remaining page on Windows Phone Meta SE?
There's more than one, across both meta and main. What else are they hiding from us?
There's a Windows Phone.SE Why?
How badly does a Stack Exchange site have to do before it is laid permanently to rest?
This is answered in this post: A site needs to meet two conditions to be considered for closing. It needs to be ...
Why is there one remaining page on Windows Phone Meta SE?
When a site is archived, there is a status change on the site metadata, and some other stuff that happens--but the database isn't dropped or deleted. It's easy to think that "archive" means &...
Official Stack Exchange application for Windows Phone OS
Since Windows Phone is officially dead, there seems little point in pursuing a native app for the platform.
Windows Phone is now officially dead: A sad tale of what might have been
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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windows-phone × 14bug × 6
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