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Questions tagged [question-restrictions]

Regarding the automated prevention of posting a question. This may be based on the question's content or the poster's posting history.

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2 votes
1 answer

Isn't "You can only post once every 40 minutes" a new user restriction? [duplicate]

I posted a tag-cleanup-request on Super User (after discovering the broad clock tag), then proceeded to ask my original question. However, I got this error. I have more then enough rep to get past ...
Zackary's user avatar
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Block “{{tag}} question” and similar as a question title

Proposal At least once a day, I see a question titled with something along the lines of: dynamical systems question Photoshop issue publication problem where the first part of the title is ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
  • 28.3k
11 votes
1 answer

Can new users still edit their own posts if links & images were added?

With my 2000+ Reputation, I often fix links and images around. e.g, I may change: see my bug at https:// i.stack.imgur .com/ foobar.png (sorry, can't post images yet, not enough rep) to: ...
Cœur's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

"You can only post once every 40 minutes" on different sites [duplicate]

This morning I posted a question on a SE site. Then realized a different SE site would be more appropriate. I proceeded to delete the question on the first site and copied it to the second, but I ...
jjmontes's user avatar
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Automated warning for questions about something that "does not work"

All too often on various SE sites I see questions which share a common flaw: the OP states that his contraption does not work, without any useful information about the issue. A comment asking for ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is the word "problem" not allowed in the question title? [duplicate]

I created the question Excel when connected to external data: "We found a problеm with some content in [file]", trying to summarise the issue in the title. The (shortened) error message ...
abstrask's user avatar
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Is there a way to know how long is left until I can post another question? [duplicate]

When I try to add a second question to a S.E. community and get this: It makes me a bit depressed. S.E. has great design and UX but I really wish there was a little counter to tell you when you can ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Help Center article on question rate limiting should appear under Asking

Asking is one of the more visible categories of Help Center, placed in upper left. Among others, it contains the article on Why are questions no longer being accepted from my account? (blue circle ...
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-3 votes
5 answers

Instead of triage can we try and change the behavior of new posters?

Triage is being tested on SO but wouldn't it be more useful to change the behavior then a behind the scene task the new users are more than likely not aware of? I have pondered an idea for some time ...
dustin's user avatar
  • 557
-1 votes
1 answer

Remove new user restrictions based on merged reputation [duplicate]

The story Recently I wanted to ask a programming career related question on SO. However I felt like it wasn't the best SE platform to ask it and I checked what was the "rule" for posting programming ...
7hibault's user avatar
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"Help with" title restriction present in edit, but not original posting

I was just trying to remove some of the noise from this question, then it complained that "Help with" may not appear in the title. It seems like a bug that there's a restriction in editing that's not ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How to restrict someone from editing my post?

I had recently asked a question on Stack Overflow and a few people had edited my question which was distorting the information provided by me. How can I restrict a post to be edited by others?
MK Singh's user avatar
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Review queue for non-complying questions

Currently there are a couple of restrictions that apply to posting / editing questions, such as that "problem" may not appear in the title (I briefly looked for others, but couldn't find them). I'm ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
2 votes
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Discouragement for new users [closed]

Why is the barrier for new users on Stack Overkflow or related sites this high? There are some "how to gain reputation points" posts, like "6 Simple Tips to Get Stackoverflow Reputation ...
Don Dio's user avatar
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Add a section on rate limiting to the Help Center

When I read the post (assembly: what is the return value exactly doing?), the user mentioned that he had hit a maximum number of posts. I looked at the help page but didn't find anything. The help ...
Devolus's user avatar
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Why don't we allow low reputation users to insert more than two images in their posts?

I was searching for privileges one can get after a certain amount of reputation, and I ended up with this question in my mind: Why don't we allow users with low reputation to insert more than two ...
user avatar
68 votes
0 answers

Houston, we have a porblem [closed]

Since it's forbidden to use the word "problem" in titles, and there's not even a way for experienced users to add it (or mods) we all know users just get around that filter by typing various ...
slhck's user avatar
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9 votes
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Forbidding some words can make impossible to set a correct question [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can’t we use the word “problem” in titles? Editing the question "_Problem Loading Widget" message I have met a problem. I couldn't save the edition after adding ...
Gangnus's user avatar
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I want to ask a question!

Lately, I have wanted to ask an important question about WP7 developing on Stack Overflow. I have been answering as many questions as I can, and my reputation is 79. How much reputation do I need in ...
Griffin's user avatar
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Block, but automatically flag "Problem" attempts in the title as "low-quality"

I'm not a big fan of the "problem" filter for titles. People have been discussing how to get around it. I think users with enough reputation should be able to use the word. Others think it should be ...
slhck's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

Moderators should be immune to the word filters in titles

Example: The halting porblem Seriously??
user avatar
48 votes
4 answers

The Efficacy Of Stack Overflow's Question Title Filter

I'm getting pretty sick of this meme that the title check being run on Stack Overflow (and Super User and Server Fault) is somehow ineffective, obviously broken, etc. etc. So, I'm going to drop the ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
48 votes
4 answers

Remove blacklist filter for `problem`

This is a feature request to remove the question title filter for problem. There are good reasons listed in this question, but mostly I'm sick of changing the word to issue. Why is problem ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Editing a question title with the term "problem" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Using the word “problem” in titles Let users with sufficient reputation use “problem” in titles I found this question: How do I resolve the "...
jackJoe's user avatar
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Let users with sufficient reputation use "problem" in titles

This is partly related to: Using the word “problem” in titles – however this one here is an actual feature-request. Problem, Sir? I am trying to edit a question that contains a specific error ...
slhck's user avatar
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189 votes
6 answers

Why can't we use the word "problem" in titles?

Recently this Mathematica question was posted, Mathematica can't DSolve two-body pro-ble​m? The reason for the odd split in the word pro-blem is there is a filter preventing its use in titles. For the ...
rcollyer's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

I can't edit a question when the title already exists, but I can ask?

I was trying to edit this question and it gave me this error: The other question is Java heap space out of memory. Indeed, it has an identical title, but if I can't submit an edit because the title ...
NullUserException  อ_อ's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

What can we do about the influx of "Help! I can't ask questions!"?

Recently, Meta Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange meta sites have started to receive an influx of Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account on Site XYZ, and we keep ...
studiohack's user avatar
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59 votes
2 answers

Is there a limit on how many questions I can ask? [duplicate]

Is there a limit on how many questions I can ask per day? Per hour? Per other time unit? Related Questions: Limitation on submitting a question, is it an explicit request to create a new account? ...