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44 votes

Do we want emojis in posts?

I would consider it noise in context. It adds little to the post, and is no different from indiscriminate, superfluous formatting. Not to mention that emoji hardly render in a consistent way, so ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
16 votes

Can/should emojis be disabled across SE?

Completely disabling emojis is apparently a bad idea, since, very intuitively, there could be valid questions asking about emojis, on various sites like Ask Apple, Graphic Design and Super User. It's ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
10 votes

Do we want emojis in posts?

Well, the only place where I need to use an emoji is to coax users to accept and upvote answers that they found helpful instead of typing "thanks" and moving on. Don't write thanks in the comments. ...
Unitato says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
10 votes

Are we allowed to use emojis in comments?

Yes, it's allowed, or at least there is no rule I know of that says otherwise. These days emojis are an integral part of our life and are part of every mobile device keyboard. They became part of the ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
10 votes

Disallow emojis in comments and posts?

I think emojis in comments are fine because comments are temporary. Within posts, which are the permanent record of Stack Exchange sites, I think emojis are fine when they are technically (not ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
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9 votes

Disallow emojis in comments and posts?

The biggest problem I see here is technical implementation. Even ignoring the fact that some questions could be specifically discussing emoji, it'd still be difficult to implement. Take a look at ...
TheWanderer's user avatar
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8 votes

Can/should emojis be disabled across SE?

There are situations where they're useful - with questions about emoji for example. It's also technically difficult since emoji are standard Unicode characters and you would have to somehow block ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
7 votes

🙋‍♀️ Emojis in display names?

To quote ChrisF (who is a diamond moderator here): The restrictions are in place to prevent users doing things like adding diamonds to their names to impersonate moderators. So rather than have a ...
Ollie's user avatar
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7 votes

Disallow emojis in comments and posts?

the emojis look ugly and do not fit in with SE's look. That is an opinion. I believe otherwise. Even if we could agree that emojis are ugly (they aren't), as users stated in comments there may be ...
Senior Wrangler's user avatar
7 votes

Is it okay to use Emojis in your user profile's location field?

It's not offensive, it's not rude, it's not even spam, so it's not directly forbidden or against any rules. If someone is somehow offended by this, or feel abused, they can follow the steps described ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
3 votes

Are we allowed to use emojis in comments?

Comments are temporary, and so their quality standards are much more relaxed than for posts (questions and answers) which are intended to form a more permanent record. Nevertheless, I would avoid ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
  • 35.8k
1 vote

Do we have a policy on smileys? :)

Although I can understand the ‘unprofessionalism’ thought, when we’re essentially scrutinizing someone’s work, it can ease tension or notes of hostility with a smiley or two :) (in comments, not on a ...
Boss's user avatar
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