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14 votes

Cannot dismiss scrollbar in code box, blocks view

Paraphrasing myself: If you’re ok with changing things everywhere, the behavior of scroll bars can be changed in System Preferences. (Look in General or search for scroll bar behavior.) Set it to “...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 56.5k
11 votes

Dark application toolbar in Safari on Stack Exchange sites while in "light mode"

This is a new feature that Apple considers to be a quality of life improvement for its users. We cannot manually disable it via our site - only you can do that in your browser settings. The only thing ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
9 votes

MathJax render issues in

Right-click on some of the MathJax and change the Math Settings to render as Common HTML:
Elements In Space's user avatar
6 votes

Dark application toolbar in Safari on Stack Exchange sites while in "light mode"

After poking around further, I discovered that this option can be disabled in the "Tabs" pane of the Preferences window. (This same option was in the "Advanced" pane in the ...
Michael Seifert's user avatar
5 votes

Cannot save knitted hat on latest Safari

This is fixed for Safari on macOS. There is a bug in Safari where opening a blob in a new tab will produce the error you observed. Funny enough, the reason we have target is to mitigate the fact ...
Brian Nickel's user avatar
  • 34.1k
4 votes

Zoom gestures break hover

We do not support zooming - either in or out.
Oded's user avatar
  • 155k
3 votes

Sites keep popping up the cookie information dialog when I am logged in as two users simultaneously on macOS

I have the same problem from running iOS 12/Safari on an iPad. But it only happens on stacks I haven't created an account on. (Newsflash, developers: people may replace their phones every 2 years, but ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes

Cannot dismiss scrollbar in code box, blocks view

We can’t fix this, but we CAN work around it - and now we have. Details here:
Ted Goas's user avatar
  • 392
2 votes

Cannot dismiss scrollbar in code box, blocks view

Updated answer here: One-line codeblock scrollbars won't disappear You can use custom stylesheets instead of custom user scripts to avoid running unnecessary javascript. If you don't want make ...
dosentmatter's user avatar
2 votes

Which Stack Exchange site is for my Mac/Chrome issue?

Super User should be fine. It's probably on topic on Ask Different as well. Considering the TTS bits of many OSes are baked into the OS, not the browser, that it's browser specific should not matter.
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
1 vote

Sites keep popping up the cookie information dialog when I am logged in as two users simultaneously on macOS

The answers here were very useful and I think this question should remain visible for others to so the answers that were given to my question. My problem came about because I was doing things most ...
Todd B.'s user avatar
  • 133
1 vote

Reading single lined code snippet becomes annoying often

I, too, dislike very long single-line code snippets. While in your screenshot the behavior of the scrollbar is beyond awful, it's not a much better experience when the scrollbar behaves properly. If ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.3k

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