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19 votes

Should copy-pasted answers be deleted?

Yes. They should be deleted. There are many reasons why copy paste answers are not useful. Some of them are: Lack of effort. These answers do not show any effort. If the answers are just a copy ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
  • 10.7k
17 votes

Copying text from OneNote and pasting creates an image instead of text

As a simple workaround, press CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste, which will paste the clipboard contents as plain text. (Can also right click the editor and choose "Paste as plain text".) VSCode editor, and ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
7 votes

Copying text from OneNote and pasting creates an image instead of text

Alternatively to Shadow's answer, you can use an intermediate program to paste and copy your text in. For example WordPad, or your OS's version of that. Simply paste the copied content from OneNote ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 36.2k
5 votes

Can't paste data to question, get prompted for Image?

Same bug report on Meta Stack Overflow has been declined back in September 2019 with the following reasoning: We are not going to be working on a fix for this at the time being. Seems that it is ...
4 votes

Copying text from OneNote and pasting creates an image instead of text

I would like to report that this issue is still occurring, and I believe that this is an issue unique to copying from OneNote. Reporting this from: Version 16001.14326.21090.0 I'd suggest anyone else ...
jasttim's user avatar
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3 votes

Can't paste data to question, get prompted for Image?

It's possible to detect if a Microsoft Office application is the clipboard source Taken from Pasting from Microsoft Excel defaults to pasting an image via the Uploaderâ„¢ I looked into how you might fix ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
3 votes

Allow us to paste in an image from the clipboard without clicking the image button first

This has been implemented, so you can paste or drag and drop the images directly into the editor. See: Editor improvements for images and links.
kenorb's user avatar
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