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5 votes
0 answers

Viewed count uses incorrect plural form for suffixed value

It seems that the viewed count below the question title uses the plural form based on the exact value, but not on the suffixed (rounded) one with k: In this particular case, the correct translations ...
2 votes
0 answers

Add link to filter by key for pluralizable strings in Traducir

Please read this post before: We’re moving Traducir to our internal infrastructure Each string in Traducir has a link to its Transifex source. In case of pluralizable strings, this link contains a ...
10 votes
0 answers

Add plural forms to the string “Browse other questions tagged...”

On the bottom of the almost each question’s page you can see the following: In case of localized sites (I look from the side of the Stack Overflow in Russian) knowing the number (one/few/many) of ...
4 votes
0 answers

Plural forms are needed for close notice

There's only single form for question close notice: Closed $closedAgo$ by $closeUsersComma$. For the purpose of localization we need different plural forms for that type of sentence since $...
29 votes
0 answers

Don't use more than two pluralizable numbers in localizable string

In some rare cases I see strings in Transifex that contain three numbers. Each number can have three plural forms (one, few, and many). So such string requires 27 translations. For example, transifex /...
1 vote
0 answers

What's the purpose of same sentences with and without plural forms?

There're a couple of the same sentences in Your post has been associated with a similar question. If that question doesn’t answer your issue, edit your question to highlight the ...
7 votes
0 answers

Add pluralization option to impact block related strings

Currently there are no strings depend on count in impact block of user profile page activity tab: Each item has only one sentence to translate: people reached posts edited helpful flags // ...
6 votes
1 answer

English numeric-agreement bugs in the user profile questions tab

When viewing the results of the question tab for a user profile, you are presented with grammatically incorrect English. It erroneously uses plural count nouns following a count of one: The same ...
12 votes
1 answer

Plu­ral­iza­tion bug in re­ported badges on Span­ish and Por­tu­guese Stack Over­flow sites

It looks like you have a lo­cal­iza­tion bug on the Badges pages on the fully lo­cal­ized ver­sions of Stack Over­flow. You’ve matched the gen­der but not the num­ber, so your con­cord is wrong: you ...
13 votes
1 answer

No plural forms for suspension message

I found the message in traducir that definitely needs plural forms for "daysToken" variable: Your account has been temporarily suspended for $daysToken$ days. While you’re suspended, your ...
5 votes
1 answer

Only one plural form for answer count in the "Following" section of user profile

There is only one plural form for answer count in the "Following" section of user profile: I don't see the expected 3 forms (one/few/many) in translation. Only the following one: https://ru....
12 votes
0 answers

Add plural forms to the string about an answer converted to a comment

String: 5af795a4c61ad499ad30bd3442f2d38f. Original variant: This answer is hidden. This answer was deleted and converted to a comment $deletionDatePreSpan$$deletionDate$$deletionDatePostSpan$ by $...
8 votes
0 answers

Mul­ti­ple plu­ral­iza­tion bugs on the User Ac­tiv­ity page on (at least) the Span­ish Stack Over­flow site, if not o­thers(?)

Fol­low­ing up on yes­ter­day’s some­what re­lated bug re­port, I have to­day dis­cov­ered that the User Ac­tiv­ity page on the Span­ish SO site has var­i­ous bugs in its plu­ral­iza­tion: No­tice ...
6 votes
1 answer

No plural forms for "You've earned this badge N times"

The text of tooltip message showed for the green tick next to badge icon requires plural forms in Transifex:
10 votes
1 answer

Unable to pluralize "awarded" on the badges page

The word "awarded" on the Badges page doesn't have plural versions, hence we're unable to localize it properly. There also should be a separate version for the kilo-suffexed numbers. Current ...