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16 votes

Don't make "per-page" look clickable (it isn't)

Looks like this specifically broke on December 1st, as confirmed by the Wayback Machine. On November 30th at 02:02:21 GMT, it was fine: And then, the next day, it was broken in the first capture of ...
zcoop98's user avatar
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11 votes

Filter URL Parameter not considered when navigating between user pages on Metas

Sorry about this! It looks like this issue was missed when we added the option to filter by time period on our meta sites' Users pages. Before adding the ability to filter by time period to meta sites,...
jrjones's user avatar
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10 votes

Don't make "per-page" look clickable (it isn't)

Update: A fix has been shipped to production. This is a bug! It was introduced after we deployed an update to our Stacks dependency on December 1st. I've shipped a fix to Stacks and created a pull ...
Dan Cormier's user avatar
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9 votes

Paginating on Suspicious Voting Patterns Moderator Tools page drops percentVotes Query Parameter?

We've recently done a complete overhaul on this page which nullifies this request as these filter options are no longer available. While we're currently testing the page out with the mods (as of July ...
Catija's user avatar
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7 votes

'pagesize' attribute ignored in hot network list

It looks like this was finally resolved at some point on all browsers (including FF where we had previously been able to reproduce it). Even if you want lists only incognito page size now sticky
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
7 votes

Network profile inbox page count is off by 1 if last page has exactly 20 items

It pains me to remove an "off by one" error, but if I must, I must.
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
7 votes

For paginated results, add a way to type the page number to which to navigate

I've made a userscript called Better Paginator that adds this functionality. It replaces the ellipsis in the default paginator with a box where you can type in the page number you want to go to, and ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 16.3k
5 votes

Don't make "per-page" look clickable (it isn't)

Rather a comment adding to the original question: The same goes for the three dots on the left side of the page navigation that denote that there are more pages. Clicking on these dots has no effect, ...
Jasper Habicht's user avatar
4 votes

Pagination on search is broken

This functionality is crucial in some cases of investigating spam or abuse. I have therefore created a userscript to correct the functionality. See the Stack Apps post: Fix for the network search ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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4 votes

Can we get the styling for the pagination on Winter Bash leaderboard pages back?

Page numbers now have styles very close to what you suggested. want to see moar page? pager format makes you sad? how `bout them apples?
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
3 votes

All Questions page count shows 1 extra empty page if last page is full

As you note, this is an intermittent issue, and I wasn't able to reproduce it. Additionally, based on our current roadmap, this isn't work that we will take on, as it doesn't coincide with functional ...
JNat's user avatar
  • 26.2k
3 votes

Page two of Favorites is a lie

Same issue as here, but in a different part of the code. The fix is out in production now.
Adam Lear's user avatar
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2 votes

Minor alignment issue in the blog pagination icons

The fix is quite simple: When I change the height property of .posts-navigation in the CSS from 10 to 15, as in below screenshot The bottom of the arrow alligns with the bottom of the word "...
Luuklag's user avatar
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2 votes

'pagesize' attribute ignored in hot network list

Suddenly started working fine, privacy settings are the same as aboe in my question. Maybe it was a the new browser version, maybe someone fixed SE. Current browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel ...
Marlon's user avatar
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1 vote

The tags below posts on search results occupies the same space as the page number navigation links on narrow screens

This appears to have been fixed - I can't reproduce it on Chrome 108.0.5359.99 or Firefox 108.0 on Windows 11, or Chrome 108.0.5359.79 on Android 13. A screenshot from Chrome:
1 vote

'pagesize' attribute ignored in hot network list

This is not restricted to Following similar steps I also reproduced this in a private tab on I changed the number of items from 15 to 30, went to the next page to ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 36.2k

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