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22 votes

What do you think about adding a Former Moderators page?

There are a few moderators who left because of various disagreements with the company. While they're in many cases no less deserving of recognition, they might not wish to be associated with their ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
17 votes

When does a user's edit count decrease?

The total edits count seen publicly does not take into account edits made on deleted posts. So when a post is deleted, anyone who edited it will get a -1 in the count of edits.
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
15 votes

Problem with reputation earned this week

Thanks for the report! The weekly reset route attempted to run but we were down at the time. This unfortunately means that, as you noticed, the rep lists for the week are all out of whack. Since it's ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
13 votes

What do you think about adding a Former Moderators page?

No. Who was a moderator on a site isn't really that consequential; if a user wants to indicate it, convention has always been to put it into their profile information instead. Some moderators have ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 58.3k
11 votes

Filter URL Parameter not considered when navigating between user pages on Metas

Sorry about this! It looks like this issue was missed when we added the option to filter by time period on our meta sites' Users pages. Before adding the ability to filter by time period to meta sites,...
jrjones's user avatar
  • 123
11 votes

Searching for moderators in the Moderators tab on the /users page is broken on all meta sites (except MSE)

EDIT: As of Jul 12, a fix has been deployed and I have updated the tag to status-completed. This is currently being prioritized as part of bug duty. As such, I've updated the tag to status-planned.
tanj92's user avatar
  • 3,480
10 votes

Why can't I find Community user on Meta sites?

Hmm. As Glorfindel commented, Community user is only filtered on reputation tab and Metas don't have reputation tab. However there are two work-around: You can always click on Meta User from the ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 10.6k
9 votes

New? Buttons on "Users" page behave differently than each other

Update: I reverted the layout change. Tabs should be back to normal now. So... earlier today I thought to myself "well, at least that rolled out without any issues". Apparently I was wrong. :) I ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
8 votes

What do you think about adding a Former Moderators page?

There are a couple edge cases I can think of where listing former moderators may not be beneficial due to actions taken after they left: This page would need to cover the case of users who deleted ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
7 votes

Searching for moderators in the Moderators tab on the /users page is broken on all meta sites (except MSE)

The Participation tab for users is also broken on all child meta sites as described in Searching for a username on a Meta site under the "Participation" tab throws a 500 server error:
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 28k
7 votes

Cropped avatar is shown in full but distorted in the users page

You have stumbled on a very old bug that was missed when we started rendering High DPI profile images. I have contacted Imgur and had them whitelist the 96 size. Hopefully it won't be long until ...
Geoff Dalgas's user avatar
  • 48.9k
6 votes

How are we defining New Users?

When we hover on New users tab, it reads, users who joined in the last 45 days. Users who joined in last 45 days are shown in the list. While calculating days, system adds joining day and today also. ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
  • 10.7k
6 votes

How to get the historical data in users Tab

Statistics on voters is not possible via SEDE; votes are anonymized before they are made publicly accessible. Editors might be possible. I'm not sure if edits to your own posts count for the 'league', ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
6 votes

Sort order of the user filter is surprising to me

So, this is an odd one, I'm not sure what the issue truly was when this was first reported, but we've identified a bug introduced by a refactoring in a common database query used by all of the "/...
Felippe Rangel's user avatar
  • 5,124
6 votes

What do you think about adding a Former Moderators page?

I don't really see the value in this. However, it seems to be standard practice to have site-meta posts when moderators are appointed or elected. Perhaps a good option would be to link to moderator-...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k
6 votes

Please add the link of post related to appointment of moderator in

There are appointed moderators on most SE sites, i.e. at least 150 probably more. Adding link to each requires a staff member to go and look for the relevant meta post. This means wasting long hours ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
5 votes

A staff member that's a moderator network-wide is visible in the Moderators list

[UPDATE] - Thanks again for flagging this. The team found the issue and fixed the account, so it should be all set now. Thanks for flagging. We're looking into it. I'll post back here (early next week)...
Dalmarus's user avatar
  • 4,786
4 votes

Change to HTTPS links in the /users?tab=moderators page

Links to elections and appointments on the Users > Moderators page are now using the https protocol. So when did that mod win their election? A link! h-t-t-p-s!
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
4 votes

What do you think about adding a Former Moderators page?

I don't see the real benefit of it. We already recognize (most) moderators by awarding Constable and Sheriff badges. The additional page devoted to former moderators seems unnecessary to me. (this is ...
Anton Menshov's user avatar
4 votes

What do you think about adding a Former Moderators page?

There are a couple edge cases when handling users who hold or held moderator rights as a result of being a Stack Exchange staff member: Moderators who later get hired as a staff member are required ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
4 votes

List of Comments on User Tab

To list all stack exchange sites for you, the current logged in user: To list all stack exchange sites for a user id:
tresf's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

User search data with ranking; what's the reputation for?

The reputation shown in the list is the amount of reputation you earned in the selected period on the right (so it's a ranking list comparable to the reputation leagues). You can compare the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

The "Users" page displays all the users on a single line

Thanks for reporting. Fix for that older version of Safari is coming. Although I wasn't able to test exactly that version but I checked on previous one and it looked fine.
Paweł's user avatar
  • 1,630
4 votes

The "Users" page displays all the users on a single line

SE switched recently to use CSS Grid Layout in the Users page, which is indeed not supported in Safari 10. (and IE 10 too) Since SE should support last two versions, I think they should revert that ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
3 votes

Alignment issue in the /users page entries

This alignment issue has been fixed per your suggestion. It now looks like this:
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
2 votes

Add thousands separators to the numbers of votes and edits displayed on the Users page

Yes, adding commas as thousands separators would improve readability, and they are already used elsewhere on these English-language websites. Here's an example for reputation: And another: And a ...
Hugo's user avatar
  • 1,756
2 votes

Cropped avatar is shown in full but distorted in the users page

TL;DR: unless it's a remnant of this bug I don't think it's a bug, as imgur simply don't serve the size requested in Users page. You're not using Gravatar, at least not in your Stack Exchange accounts....
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
2 votes

Long user locations without a space causes the "user page" to display weird

On the old EL&U theme, this "old" problem persists but even worse. The location's uninterrupted name overlaps and extends into the territory of other users. However, on the new theme, this ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar
1 vote

Monthly reputation change showing +500 however reputation tab shows nothing

This is probably due to a 500 bounty retraction as others have mentioned in the comments. Retracting this bounty does not leave any traces in the reputation league, but it shows up in the user's ...
DialFrost's user avatar
  • 3,626

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible