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19 votes

What will happen when Winter Bash is over?

Nothing will change at the Winter Bash page ( after Jan 1st. The main WB page and the leaderboard will display as is until the SE team redirects it to the ...
Panda's user avatar
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11 votes

Why are ranks not uniform on Winter Bash leaderboard?

It looks like Standard competition ranking or 1224 ranking is applied on the leaderboard where if multiple folks are ranked the same, the next spots are skipped. In competition ranking, items that ...
Suraj Rao's user avatar
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11 votes

"top n% this year" stat doesn't care if you've actually used the site in the past year

I disagree that activity should be taken into account. I had a look at that user's profile and they get many upvotes for their questions (in other cases, answers may get more upvotes), so their ...
Anne Daunted GoFundMonica's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a ranking of the valuable flair of all combined Stack Exchange profiles?

There is none that I know of, however I've put together the following SEDE query which lists the top users by total network reputation (for sites with > 200 rep as per flair rules) as well as ...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26.1k
5 votes

Which users have the most accounts with over 200 reputation across the SE networks?

A few weeks ago I created a similar query, which automatically scales to new Stack Exchange sites and provides a flexible reputation limit; it works for 200 as well for other limits. This is the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

User search data with ranking; what's the reputation for?

The reputation shown in the list is the amount of reputation you earned in the selected period on the right (so it's a ranking list comparable to the reputation leagues). You can compare the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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4 votes

Why don't I appear in the Stack Overflow ranking?

You must have at least 200 rep to be in the leagues. If you look on the rankings page you'll find the following text: users with less than 200 reputation are not tracked in the leagues Rankings ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
4 votes

How do I find my rank for a specific tag?

For late-comers: You can approximate this by using the Developer Story feature that SO recently added. If you include tags in your profile and you rank high in that tag, your dev profile will include ...
Chris Trahey's user avatar
3 votes

What will happen when Winter Bash is over?

For most years, the final ranking pages have been archived on the Wayback Machine. I couldn't find working links for 2018 though, probably because, as @Panda pointed out, there were some problems with ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
2 votes

How to know my top overall ranking

If the percentile doesn't show you can calculate it yourself. This is the formula: (100 * R) / U Where R is your current position in the ranking, and U the total number of users (take the number ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar

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