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31 votes

SE WebSocket partially broken: WebSocket repeatedly disconnects after about 100 seconds, prior to server sending normal heartbeat

My bad. The keepalive timeout I set was appropriate for Chat, but not WebSockets. I missed this when testing in Dev, and now the timeouts are set appropriately for each app.
Josh Zhang's user avatar
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26 votes

The SE Chat WebSocket is down, returning status 520 (NS_ERROR_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

Websockets are back in business. They are, as I mentioned in a comment, completely optional -- when we built the chat originally, we did it with AJAX polling only. The websocket standard hadn't ...
balpha's user avatar
  • 159k
20 votes

Chat bots are dead, looks like being blocked by something on the server side

When connecting to any chatroom, the websocket connection that's meant to be formed immediately errors out. In the console, I see: master-chat.js?v=8e20450acb97:7 WebSocket connection to 'wss://chat....
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 29.4k
14 votes

Random pages across SE feel "dead", due to SE WebSocket misbehaving: sometimes connecting, sending heartbeat, but no data

The symptoms reported point to an issue on one of the socket servers. And the last time that the servers were built out was on May 11 (corresponding to Makyen's report of this date as the beginning of ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
10 votes

Cloudflare challenge on API and WebSocket traffic used for AI Analysis

Thanks for including the full response, it helped quickly identify the issue. We have been fighting a botnet that has been creating a large amount of fake accounts, unfortunately the code your team is ...
Josh Zhang's user avatar
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7 votes

Chat bots are dead, looks like being blocked by something on the server side

As explained in this comment by SE staff, the developers redeployed websockets for chat, which caused the websocket connections in chat to fail. balpha was called for the rescue and saved the day bots....
5 votes

Is there a Stack Exchange WebSocket action for multiple tags?

No, there is no such way. The unofficial documentation doesn't list such a method, and if you check which websockets are active on a page showing the search results for [tag X] or [tag Y] you'll see ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

New Activity bar in search page stopped appearing on all community sites

For those who experience this problem in the future and none of the steps in the question work: Contact your internet provider and provide all information regarding the StackOverflow website. After I ...
Digital Farmer's user avatar

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