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28 votes

If we do something about the "sandmen" I might consider treating newbies with kid gloves

A system like this presumes that duplicate closure is flawless. And my God, it is far from that. You're basically punishing people for the fact that the biggest broken thing in all of this is that ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 58.3k
26 votes

How can a user earn more than 2000 rep in a week?

You can check the reputation tab on their profile to see where the reputation actually comes from, but in short the daily reputation cap is only for reputation earned from upvotes and suggested edits. ...
goldPseudo's user avatar
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19 votes

Will the reputation I retrospectively gain count toward my "rep cap" badge?

If the recalculation causes you to reach 200 reputation on new days, then yes, your progress towards the badges will increase. There is no "tick" that gets added to a day when you hit it before. Each ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
18 votes

If we do something about the "sandmen" I might consider treating newbies with kid gloves

I believe that part of the problem that SE has is a contradiction between two goals. On the one hand, SE intend their network of sites to become a repository of canonical questions and answers. That ...
I am not the way you speak's user avatar
17 votes

Why is the rep cap set at 200? Why not 2000?

(tl;dr? Skip to the last three paragraphs.) The reputation cap is one of the network's longest-running features, having been set at 200 since the month Stack Overflow launched, if not earlier. Records ...
SOLO's user avatar
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16 votes

Why is the rep cap set at 200? Why not 2000?

It's probably more related to what you can do with the reputation than what is necessary to reach the daily reputation limit. For instance, it takes 2.5 days (2 if you have the association bonus) to ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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16 votes

Earning reputation by downvoting?

The system already corrects this on its own. We don't run a recalc on your account every time you change a vote - that's just way too expensive. Instead, whenever your account gets recalculated again ...
animuson's user avatar
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15 votes

If I hit the daily rep cap and then get downvoted, does it still count towards badges?

Many years ago, we simplified the logic for the daily reputation badges. They only consider positive reputation changes. That means the script that awards the badge doesn't even look at downvotes, ...
animuson's user avatar
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14 votes

Soft opinion on changing the reputation cap

if a user has been a member for many years That doesn't mean they've been an active contributor for years. You could have registered a long time ago, not visited the site in years, and come back ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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13 votes

Stopped earning reputation at 313 due to reputation cap, even though I have 9 accepted answers

As your full reputation history from the /reputation page shows, you've earned 335 reputation from votes cast today, not including reversals of votes cast prior to today. This is equal to 200 capped ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
11 votes

What is the daily reputation cap and how can I hit it?

As time goes by, the above answer is no longer 100% correct. Specifically, Reputation earned from these activities (accepting/accepted/bounty) before reaching the cap does still count towards the ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
11 votes

If we do something about the "sandmen" I might consider treating newbies with kid gloves

As the "sandmen" are going to get rep, what about "Give an incentive for finding duplicate questions" along with a way they can explain to the questioner why it is a duplicate.
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
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10 votes

Is there a way to see who has earned at least 200 reputation today?

Even considering the answer by Nick, this would be a somewhat difficult thing to ever actually deliver because, one could argue, that what Nick says isn't particularly true. You're asking to know who ...
Catija's user avatar
  • 111k
10 votes

When was the 200 rep per day limit added?

This is pretty straightforward to find out. Stack Overflow was publicly launched on September 15, 2008 (source: a quick google search). The first version of the rep FAQ contains a mention of the point ...
Jason C's user avatar
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10 votes

If we do something about the "sandmen" I might consider treating newbies with kid gloves

The main problem for Stack Exchange is that their platforms are unwelcoming by design. When new joiners ask a question, they often get dupe hammered, heavily downvoted and/or their question gets ...
Alex's user avatar
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10 votes

How can a user earn more than 2000 rep in a week?

In this case, the reputation league shows the correct amount of reputation gained. However, there is a bug in the functionality involving deleted posts, which are calculated as if they were not ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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10 votes

What does it mean when it says that accepted answers are immune to the reputation cap?

The reputation cap is set at 200 per day. If you get 20 upvotes you hit the cap. If you get 10 additional upvotes you get nothing. If you get an accept then you get an additional 15 reputation ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
10 votes

Did I reach the reputation cap or not?

Yes, you did. I've said this before, but to repeat: the total displayed for the day has absolutely nothing to do with the reputation cap. If you have additional votes counting for 0 on the day, it's ...
animuson's user avatar
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9 votes

How did I get this bit of reputation after I hit the repcap?

Between the upvote that gave you the extraneous 2 reputation and the one before it, you had cast two downvotes. They were both on the same post, and they were both retracted shortly after you cast ...
animuson's user avatar
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9 votes

There seems to be no downvote rep cap

Why should there be a down vote rep cap? To begin with, if your question gets a 1:1 up vote:down vote response, you're still net positive in rep. You're getting rep for participating, even if it's ...
Aify's user avatar
  • 188
8 votes

The Stack Exchange pension, or, reaching the daily reputation limit entirely with votes on old posts

This query can be helpful to analyze the results for different sites. As you can see, there's currently about a dozen users on Stack Overflow with an average above 200 (but one should note that the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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8 votes

Rep cap reached but not counted towards Legendary badge

As indicated by the FAQ, only unupvotes and unaccepts affect the day they occurred. Because downvotes are not considered in any way for those badges, undownvotes are also ignored for it. Calculating ...
animuson's user avatar
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8 votes

Only received 2 rep for an upvote

As explained in the faq, the daily reputation cap is not for total reputation, but rather reputation from upvotes and suggested edits. Sum the upvotes you got today and you do have 200: The -30 ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
8 votes

Why is rep-cap count not increased even it seems I hit rep-cap?

From your activity profile: You earned 185. The criteria for Epic is "earn 200 daily reputation 50 times". 185 is not 200, and your Epic counter is not increased. The things that may be confusing ...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26.1k
8 votes

Current rules for Epic/Legendary badge concerning rep loss after hitting the cap

The moment you've earned at least 200 reputation from anything (excluding the association bonus) then that day counts towards the badge - the reputation cap has absolutely nothing to do with the badge....
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
8 votes

Reputation recalculation didn't retroactively award Mortarboard

Looks like it has just been fixed: Also visible in profile, e.g. from
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes

How can a user earn more than 2000 rep in a week?

Easy one: by putting in tremendous amounts of time and energy. See a user like Gordon Linoff on Stack Overflow. Besides writing books and running a successful business place, he writes 10, 20 ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 38.1k
6 votes

Does Jon Skeet ever have to answer another question to remain the #1 user on Stack Overflow?

2021 Update At the moment Gordon Linoff, the #2 gains about 11000 quarterly reputation over Jon. With a difference about 121.000 it will take him 11 more quarters to overtake him. Meaning @Kaz's ...
SirHawrk's user avatar
  • 171
6 votes

How exactly do deleted answers interact with reputation calculation with respect to the daily rep cap?

Your reputation is recalculated as if the post never existed. So when the post is deleted, the other votes that previously didn't earn you any reputation will now earn you reputation (provided you ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
6 votes

Question weight recount, does it retroactively affect daily limit counters?

Yes, it did. Before the update, I had only a single day of rep-capping on Super User (September 23rd this year), but now I have three:
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible