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20 votes

Translation for hats

Winter Bash doesn't use transifex. The translations to Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish are done by the community managers of the respective localized Stack Overflow. That said, if you ...
balpha's user avatar
  • 159k
20 votes

Quack Overflow for localized sites

Afraid not. Building this already required a huge investment in Duck-to-English translation work; attempting to find Duck-to-Spanish or Duck-to-Russian translators on short notice simply wasn't ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
16 votes

Should the word “hay” not be deleted at the beginning of posts, especially on Spanish SE?

I think there's no need at all to remove "hay" from posts, as people use more "hey" than "hay", see this (22.7k vs. 300, emphasis on your very uncommon). It's important ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
16 votes

Unused meta tags that still persist

These are default-tags (here is a list of them). On new Meta sites, it may take a (long) while before an appropriate question is asked, therefore I presume the tag pruning script ignores those default ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
16 votes

Use localized icons for Q&A in left navigation menu

Thank you for reporting this. We were not using localized icons for non-English sites. This has been fixed and should now be live.
Carrott's user avatar
  • 2,750
15 votes

Translation for hats

Translations for all international sites' hats are done in a special hat-file. You cannot find those strings on Transifex. If you find typo or have any other suggestion for the translation, please, ...
Nicolas Chabanovsky's user avatar
15 votes

Allow for more delimiters in display names

The full-width space and will-width middle dot characters are now allowed in display names on all sites.
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
15 votes

Vietnamese to English translation issue

I'd say that this is out of SE's remit to fix - While google (?)'s translation system is pretty good... your browser (correctly) determined most of the page was Vietnamese, treated the mixed language ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
13 votes

What is this string in the translation DB that refers to moderators accepting bribes to be unsuspended?

To be clear and have an actual answer: this is just a joke. Nothing more. No, bribery is not a common occurrence here. I don't think it has ever happened, and it would be really complicated anyway. I ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 25.9k
12 votes

How do I propose a new site in a local language?

Those sites go through the exact same process as any other site, generally with "(in Japanese)" or whatever language appended to the proposal title. However, we are not currently accepting new ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
12 votes

Are there official translations of the phrase "Stack Exchange" into languages other than English?

The name "Stack Exchange" is a proper noun. Proper nouns are not normally translated, so at-best you might find official translations for "stack" and "exchange" but if you are referring to Stack ...
AquaticFire's user avatar
12 votes

Is there any policy reason why language sites have badges named in English?

I guess it's the same reason as the rest of the user interface (links, buttons) is in English. There are still a lot of users coming to your site who (like me) don't speak Spanish very well. (I'd have ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
12 votes

Add notification text about new Moderator Agreement into Transifex

These strings can't be added to Transifex because of how the banners are configured. The moderator agreement itself is only available in English for legal reasons, so between that and the fact that ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
12 votes

What's the purpose of the "stackoverflow" user on Transifex and how does it relate to the "" user?

The stackoverflow user is what we (Stack Overflow) use to push new strings to transifex. Another thing we use it for is to manage "overrides". These overrides are set by us. Sometimes, these ...
g3rv4's user avatar
  • 1,226
12 votes

Are the buttons below the moderator agreement able to be made translatable or not?

I spoke with legal counsel about this. At this time, we don't want to translate those buttons. If the documents are in English, counsel believes that the buttons should be as well.
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21.2k
11 votes

What does the Localization bot do?

It posts localization requests into the appropriate chat rooms to translate the texts on the language-specific sites. Sample found here. It links to Transifex, which is a localization service SE uses ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
11 votes

Do Not Capitalize Each Word In Profile Menu

This Is Fixed In The Next Build. I Have Also Applied The Fix On Rus.Se As Well As Es.So. On Pt.So I Have Left It As Is, Because A Trustworthy Person Has Assured Me That Speaking Like This Is A Thing ...
balpha's user avatar
  • 159k
11 votes

Is Meta SE a good place to post bugs and feature request to

The project is community run. First idea was implemented on SO en español, once we found out that every change on source code on SO was breaking our translations. The main developer is g3rv4. I'm ...
gbianchi's user avatar
  • 1,127
11 votes

Error on sign in to

Traducir was a victim of some new anti DDoS measures. It's a shame it took me a bit to notice, feel free to ping me on the chat (or open an issue on the repo) if you don't see traction here.
g3rv4's user avatar
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11 votes

Will original answers but translated by AI receive the same treatment as answers spontaneously generated by AI?

Generally moderators and other interested users can spot AI generated output once they've seen enough of it and there are detectors that aid in that. If a post is flagged as AI output and the various ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
10 votes

The description for the "unclear what you are asking" and "primarily opinion-based" close reasons need translation

sorry for this. We're doing a lot of refactoring in order to prep everything for the move to DotNet Core / AspNetCore. I've reverted the whitespace changes, the old strings will be used again as of ...
m0sa's user avatar
  • 22.2k
10 votes

Allow localizing the "Q" and "A" icons in the user profile

We added new icons for the Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian languages. Japanese is continuing to use the English versions, but we're looking into whether we can condense the translations into single ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
9 votes

Bumped by Community localization issue

I used a hard-coded version of the community user display name - I have now updated the code to use the correct, localized version. With you in the next build.
Oded's user avatar
  • 155k
9 votes

Are there Stack Exchanges in different languages?

We do indeed have Stack Overflow en español, for Spanish-language speakers. The same is true for Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese. A Stack Overflow in Turkish has reached the commitment stage, and ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 32.8k
9 votes

Stack Overflow in ES, PT, RU, JP have mixed-language descriptions

The first issue (for a top bar) is done now: But the rest (on stackexhange site list) still is an issue.
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
9 votes

Which language should I use while editing questions?

While editing questions, is there any problem if I change spelling of words in American English to British English unknowingly Yes, there is a problem. Don't do such things. Unless you have a ...
Oded's user avatar
  • 155k
9 votes

New Code of Conduct for international sites. No link?

We'll be putting the banner up after the page is translated. I didn't want to put the banner up before the page (or the banner) could be translated. The banner is incredibly effective at driving ...
Brian Nickel's user avatar
  • 34.1k
9 votes

Do Not Capitalize Each Word In Tabs

We used a short term CSS solution to fix the preferred casing of our question filters... which caused some issues down the line with our translations. These strings were changed in the markup on ...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
  • 14.8k
9 votes

Change taglines for non-English sites and new Meta sites on SEDE homepage

This needs an update of the Sites table in the Data.StackExchange database. As there is no maintenance UI this needs someone with DB access to run the following script (after they got amended with the ...
rene's user avatar
  • 92k

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