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8 votes
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Chat invitation message is not able to localize

Look like a chat invitation message is not able to localize: I can't find string "You have been invited to join a chat" in transifex DB. I know that chats are not localizable at all, but this ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Is MSE an appropriate place to post questions about translations/localization issues for mod related features?

Is MSE an appropriate place to post questions about translations/localization issues for mod related features? If not, where should I do that?
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Incorrect encoding while removing access for applications

On international sites there's an encoding issue when removing the access from authorized applications: esSO jaSO ruSO The original English wording is:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Weird behaviour for radio buttons for ignored tag on localized sites

Switching mode for how the questions with ignored tags will be handled has weird visual behavior (blue circle size is too large) on localized sites, e.g. ruSO: Seems this is happens due to the ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Welcome message for per site metas is not able to localize

If you open any of localized meta site in browser's private mode, e.g. ruSO.meta you will see untranslated text on the top right corner: This message is not found in Transifex, hence unable to ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Unable to translate "No Upcoming" from the community events page Could you please make string "No Upcoming" translatable?
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Make times on the site in user's local time zone [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Make recent activity “today” etc. buttons based on user’s time zone? Times on comments, questions, answers, etc (on the tool tip) are expressed in UTC. This ...
cletus's user avatar
  • 48.4k
5 votes
1 answer

Names of votes for undeletion and reopen are not localized

Names of votes for undeletion and reopen are not localized in the user profile page: Original strings already translated in transifex, but no actually used.
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Upper case in the interface of profile settings

I wonder to know that we have different register rules of writing titles in profile settings on Stack Overflow на русском and "Русский язык" site. In Russian, it is important not to use capital ...
Aer's user avatar
  • 649
3 votes
1 answer

Counter's text is truncated in queue on localized sites

SOru: SOes: Can you fix it? It looks very ugly. Make it flexible, or, at least, increase width of .dashboard-item .dashboard-count.
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is search able to find accented characters entered as HTML entities (such as François)?

There are various ways to enter accented characters, one of them is using html. For example, I can type Gâteaux by entering Gâteaux or Gâteaux; I can type entering François by ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
-2 votes
3 answers

Add something like "Native language" to the user profile

Preface This post is very loosely related to this one regarding issues international users may have, but I'm covering different ground with this one. Proposal The prevalent language used on the Stack ...
takrl's user avatar
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-19 votes
2 answers

Automatic translator feature by connecting Google Translate?

How about putting a button (activated by a configuration option) to automatically connect with Google Translate, and translate any message into the user´s specified language without exiting from the ...
ganzux's user avatar
  • 89
30 votes
0 answers

Make it possible for localized sites to correctly translate privileges on the pages, which can't be accessed by a member with low reputation

As we have discussed here, it's OK for English sites in the SE network to place dots and commas inside quotes, because it's correct in US English, and in the interface US English is used. But for ...
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

Help translate the Stack Exchange UI (unofficial)

Earlier this year, I saw a post written by Pekka asking what the state of the nation was regarding localisation. Rob replied that localisation was creeping up Stack Exchange's list of priorities, but ...
user avatar
29 votes
0 answers

Don't use more than two pluralizable numbers in localizable string

In some rare cases I see strings in Transifex that contain three numbers. Each number can have three plural forms (one, few, and many). So such string requires 27 translations. For example, transifex /...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
25 votes
2 answers

Translation for hats

Where does the translation for hats in the Winter Bash page? I can't find them in transifex. I see the link in the bottom of the page: view hat descriptions in English / translate hat ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

Allow for more delimiters in display names

Currently, we can use a half-width space and a half-width hyphen - in our display name (username) as a delimiter. However, there are more delimiter symbols commonly used in the international ...
nekketsuuu's user avatar
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22 votes
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To who are translations licensed in Stack Exchange international sites that are submitted by community users?

International sites translate much of their content (other than questions and answers) with the help of community users. How are these contributions licensed? There are more than 10,000 strings, not a ...
cubick's user avatar
  • 3,058
20 votes
1 answer

Allow localizing the "Q" and "A" icons in the user profile Is it possible to translate those icons for international sites?
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Error on sign in to

We use to translate text for the international Stack Exchange sites, so they get properly localized. I just tried to sign in to the Russian and got the following error: The ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Do Not Capitalize Each Word In Tabs

Could you please remove the automatic capitalization on tabs (e.g. Question page, Users page) for localized sites like Stack Overflow in Russian and "Русский язык"? This lies on the ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Elements on review stat popup overlap window rectangle

On MSE (English): On ruSO (Russian): On jaSO (Japaneese): On ptSO (Portuguese): On esSO (Spanish): Also note that progress indicator (white/green line) is not centered between ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

International characters (ñ, á , í) used on prompts / email subject on Stack Overflow en español are shown as HTML entities

This isn't the same as Quotation marks are shown as HTML entities, in the revision page because occurs on different UI elements and on a localized site. The email that requests email confirmation on ...
Rubén's user avatar
  • 16k
14 votes
1 answer

Spanish translation for Greeter hat is incorrect

Recently, I have been having trouble getting the Greeter hat. I live in Argentina, so therefore, Stack Exchange sites shows me spanish text when available. This is the case for hat descriptions. ...
Matias Cicero's user avatar
14 votes
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Prevent browser popup error on wrong regex in Traducir

Since is now under SO responsibility, could you please prevent the browser popup error from appearing on wrong regex input, and showing it again and again if I press Esc to close that ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Rename the Community user on localized sites

Renaming the Community user on the language-specific sites (Russian SO, Japanese SO, etc) would be a good thing to do as the username for the boterator doesn't seem to be localized to the site's ...
Justine Krejcha's user avatar
14 votes
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Broken tooltip for question link with non-Latin symbols in comments

If I put a link (from the browser) to a question with non-Latin title in the comment, then I've got not URL decoded text with incorrect right border (in FF): I would like to see correct title ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Add notification text about new Moderator Agreement into Transifex

Moderators should accept new Agreement. And there is notification about it. But it's not localized, and there is no such string in the Transifex. Could you add it, so we will be able to translate it?
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Why there are no non-English sites in the footer?

According to Oded's answer: Part of graduation is getting a place in the footer. Graduated sites should be presented in the footer. But I can't find there sites like Stack Overflow in Russian, ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
12 votes
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Wrong description for abstract badge tag

The hint on badges page has "Bronze/Silver/Gold Badge" instead of some particular badge's name. bronze badge: Earn at least 100 total score for at least 20 non-community wiki answers in the Bronze ...
Nick Volynkin's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Plu­ral­iza­tion bug in re­ported badges on Span­ish and Por­tu­guese Stack Over­flow sites

It looks like you have a lo­cal­iza­tion bug on the Badges pages on the fully lo­cal­ized ver­sions of Stack Over­flow. You’ve matched the gen­der but not the num­ber, so your con­cord is wrong: you ...
tchrist's user avatar
  • 13.1k
12 votes
0 answers

Make a localization bot not useless

From time to time I see messages made by Localization Bot in chat, e.g.: These messages contain links to new strings into transifex DB. But most of times when I click it right after posting - it ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

We need to separate translation for users, question counts with scale

As far as I see currently there is no special case in translation for users and question counts with k suffix: Do not pay attention about 440 in the picture above, we don't have any tags with ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Transifex string "Member for" in the profile page

I would like to know which string (i.e. keys on transifex) are used for strings in the "Member for" section of the profile page: etc... We have some issues related to these strings on ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Localize the username of the Community user on rus.SE and ja.SO This was already asked for in Rename the Community user on localized sites and marked completed, but it wasn't implemented on these sites for some ...
user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Date format under the list of reputation graph should use national standards

The date format under the reputation graph in the user profile doesn't reflect national standards (to see the text with year you need to select date range on the lower bar, i.e. not a current year; ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Language to use in language-related sites

In which language should askers and answerers write in sites like German Language, French Language, Spanish Language or Italian Language? In English: those sites are meant for people of all ...
Jeffrey Lebowski's user avatar
10 votes
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Keyboard shortcuts don't work with a Russian keyboard layout

For example, with a Russian layout we can open only the Help window with Shift + ?. Even for this we have to use a different button on the keyboard (the ? on 7 button). But the rest of the shortcuts ...
Suvitruf - Andrei Apanasik's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Time suffixes (m,h) are hardcoded in the bounty section

If question with an open bounty has been recently updated, then you can see m suffix indicating minutes in the user bounty page: After waiting a minute, timer will refresh this value automatically, ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Edit-rejection string "edit does not improve the quality of the post" needs to be added to Transifex

At this suggested edit on SO in Spanish, the edit-rejection reason: The edit does not improve the quality of the post. Changes to the content are unnecessary or make the post more confusing. Is in ...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 26.9k
9 votes
1 answer

Cookie notice popup is in Russian even for English sites

For instance even on (just open it in browser private mode) I see cookie notice popup in Russian: Possibly related to this Overlapped items on cookie customization popup
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

"Edit removed during grace period" is not translatable in a couple of contexts

The text "Edit removed during grace period" is out of translation engine for a couple of situations: on the post edit page: on the profile activity tab revision subtab On the same time ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
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Moderator agreement acceptance notice should be made translatable

On moderator agreement page the notice about accepting should be made translatable. This is not a part of legal agreement (that is not a subject for translation), and the date inside notice already ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
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How do I rename a tag to include non-English characters?

In response to this post I decided it was appropriate to re-spell some of our tags over at Spanish.SE to use proper accent marks. However, it doesn't appear to be working. When I enter this: ...
Flimzy's user avatar
  • 7,051
8 votes
1 answer

Unable to translate "Notes" word on moderator dashboard (history) main page

The word "Notes" (above the explanation of the highlighted stats) on the moderator dashboard (link for staff only) needs to be made translatable: It currently doesn't appear in Traducir, ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Mul­ti­ple plu­ral­iza­tion bugs on the User Ac­tiv­ity page on (at least) the Span­ish Stack Over­flow site, if not o­thers(?)

Fol­low­ing up on yes­ter­day’s some­what re­lated bug re­port, I have to­day dis­cov­ered that the User Ac­tiv­ity page on the Span­ish SO site has var­i­ous bugs in its plu­ral­iza­tion: No­tice ...
tchrist's user avatar
  • 13.1k
8 votes
1 answer

No translation for "people chatting"

The new people chatting box has no string to translate for localized sites: The old one string (9cb971b40cb463eb499299c67c3a06cd) has Capitalized Words.
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
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Do not offer to ask if answers already exits

This question How to convert int to QString? on Stack Overflow (in English) has cross-site duplicate on Stack Overflow in Russian. According to cross-site association technique I as a Russian-speaking ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
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Cyrillic tag is not displayed as tag in revisions [closed]

The post contains tags in the body: first one with Latin symbols and second one with Cyrillic. Post's body looks good: But when I'm watching revisions - only one (Latin) tag showed as tag: ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar